What about alien abduction?

Submitted for analysis by M.M.
Dream- in total darkness until there's some light. I see two, big, black eyes so black it's almost as if they can see straight through me. Then, they pull away. I see they're on this head that's got a small nose & mouth. Plus, it had gray skin, almost blue. I see long blue fingers extending out to me & that's when I see a light like a laser either going into the side of my arm or the back of my hand reflected back ina video monitor. Wires connect to it and its floating! Usually I'll meet The StarPeople afterwards. We converse sometimes. I always have free will aboard their craft. StarPeople encourage me to ask questions about anything. Then, I return home to awaken in my bed with total recall of what happened to me. Only, if it's a dream, then why do I see a big triangular craft outside my bedroom window? I've had dreams like these since I was 5. Do you think these are just dreams or real? Often, I awaken with marks on my arm or hand where I saw the light enter in the dream.
Possible themes- past lives, future progression, soul consciousness, karma, reincarnation
Predominant Emotions- fear, pain, doubt, suffering, love
Interpretation-Every dream offers messages that cover multiple levels of awareness.You decide what is most relevant now. Identify physical objects that stand out and reflect on possible meanings. Pinpoint emotional issues that surface. In addition, address consciousness. Specific details merit closer attention. Recontact me about those and we'll explore them.
Souls are known to enter human bodies as well as other bodies, some of which you are familiar with on a conscious level and others on an unconscious level. If you sense all souls are equal, then the physical appearance of a body and its current incarnation on Earth, another galaxy or dimension, is irrelevant. All souls are learning from each other. What you feel varies based on awareness. You love or fear each stage.
Some souls are transported via out-of-body (OBE) experience or, seem to float thu levels of consciousness. This is interpreted based on your belief system and level of awareness. To experience certain kinds of astral travel can involve encounters with non-physical beings. As humans recall how to deliberately separate consciousness from the physical body, part of awakening involves the revelation that consciousness can shift, merge or interact with or assume different energy forms. You have nothing to fear. Ego creates fear to distract mind from spiritual development. Mind creates what you fear.
As a person learns more about self-love and uncondtitional acceptance, he grasps what it means to take responsibility for visions. Humans use free will. Your perceptions shape a destiny, remind you of forgotten soul origins or, past lives. To make sense of perceived events, heed intuition.
To selectively ignore external opinion of what did or did not occur empowers you to accept what you know; not all spirit guides have ever been human and all souls do not have purely Earth origins. Connect wih your own celestial energy. Tap into inner sight. Trust. If you sense something is real, nobody can change your mind without your consent.
Also invite you to read this: http://blog.dreambuilders.com.au/journal/2008/9/10/star-kids-what-does-this-mean-for-you.html
Reader Comments (10)
It's me MM a.k.a.MischiefMakerStudio here! For starters I'm sorry I haven't made a comment sooner then this only today's my birthday just to let you know & so we got loved ones coming in to visit later this week.
As for my dreams, thanks for writing this down here on this great website of yours.I really appreciate it. I want to add to me these dreams I have are not dreams only to me they're real experiences, because whenever I have them i'm fully awake & well aware of my surroundings. Psychics also explain to me two different things.
One: I remember these fully due to a very high IQ. (not bragging, only explaining) Two: The StarPeople visit me because they like my imagination which I find that very interesting.
I always wondered why me? Now that I know, I want to focus more on my imagination because for people who don't know me, I like to be creative, I enjoy writing short stories & even drawing cartoons, but too think that's why The StarPeople like me I just find it very encouraging towards my own work,
I also want to add I get excited thinking about these experiences happening to me,sometimes I feel like I got the world's greatest secret yet I can't tell anybody about it because of how my family looks at it.
My Dad thinks it's all in my imagination & my brother & sister think it's only a dream. Yet, I know the difference between fact & fantasy I swear I to God that I do. Then there's people who think I do this to get attention without really knowing who I am or what I'm really like, but I only started to talk anout this not to get attention, but to try & get answers to the questions I've been asking my whole life. I suppose that doesn't make any sense, does it? I just wanted to make a comment & to let your readers know it's MM here.
The alien, as yourself, is both real and unreal. You are the alien. You have an alien point of view. You use your imagination perhaps more than most people. With infinite potentiality at hand, earth uses only a narrow frequency band and discourges people from manifesting their dreams and the inspiration that available to all. The Star People provide inspiration if we are open to channelling outside the normal parameters that society sets through its customs, rituals, laws, and rules of living.
One of the worlds greatest secrets is to indeed bring something brand new unto the earth; something which brings us more together as a whole instead of that which keeps us apart. Also, everything we see is created by our imagination. The computer and the internet is a product of imagination. Imagination is spirit that can manifest for all to see and appreciate. Everything perceived is real and not real. A dream within a dream within a dream ....
In other words, experiences are as real as you choose. You require nobody else to validate them. Each perception or dream draws your attention to feelings. These feelings also often relate to other experiences. If you doubt something, then you doubt pat of yourself. When you accept something, you accept it fully or partially. You are constantly learning about yourself. Consider why you self-doubt. You can always replace fear with love.
MischiefMakerStudio here! For starters thank you for explaining. Bern & I totally get what you're saying on everything. You're right. I do use my imagination more then most. I have felt alien before, but I thought that was only because I had trouble socializing with people. I see now it goes much, much deeper then that!
Thansk you for sending me this so I could see other people's comments it really helps me out alot & I look forward talking to you my friend.
Humans only tend to notice things when a situation relates to them directly. Those who "believe" in UFOs and ETs or feel drawn to outer space in some indescribable way, are actually acknowledging something the conscious mind may not yet accept. Check out the comments on the post about Andrew Basiago, teleportation and time travel. One section refers to a view that the ancestry of human beings that is from the stars. Those who sense this have often had physical and other experiences to reinforce it.
I have had dreams of flight, and dreams of falling, waking up before touching ground, and I had dreams when I was younger likened to an elastic band, being stretched horizonal and sometimes vertical. These were explained to me as growing pains, and maybe they were in a sense. Physically, I have had no experiences of this though Liara, of which I can remember, just feelings that feel right within.
Lately I have been waking up with songs going through my head, and I just noticed when writing this out, the word universe stopped me, because I felt I had spelled it wrong. It made me pay attention to it and I saw in this, uni-verse. It made me think of one other feeling I got, when I had been listening to a song, a feeling that once I was in a place where I really wanted to be, but sounds of music, sounds so beautiful I could not resist, called me away. Which direction they called me in though I still am not sure:)
We each play a tune and together a grand symphony is orchestrated ~ the Uni-verse.
Therefore, how do all the songs come together.
Tumel, You are a conductor. It is time to bring the world together as one.