10 Things hardship teaches

The focus of the moment frequently revolves around some kind of perceived hardship. You hear people complain; they do not have enough, something turns out to be far more challenging than anticipated, the result must be earned.
Some things you hear about hardship are also viewed as illusions, superstitions or not necessarily true. How do you pull the wool over your own eyes? Consider 10 things hardship teaches and share your own revelations;
1) You have more stamina than you consciously assume.
2) Resiliance is a built-in yet, often underestimated.
3) Self-reliance is connected to interdependence.
4) Everything is as hard or as easy as you decide.
5) The bigger the perceived challenge, the more you grow.
6) Resourcefulness and versatility are transferable skills.
7) Imagination is more convincing than you thought possible.
8) You are surprisingly naive and innocent on some realities.
9) Pain & suffering falsely tell you they last longer than joy.
10) You always come full circle, opt to be enlightened, or not.
Reader Comments (12)
Some walk with negativity which brings doubt to the mind where an individual slips into the depths of heaviness, contracting the body and the muscles, creating injuries and sickness as they walk through a beautiful environment which many have not fully made friends with.
When fears, ghosts, and demons are faced head on and dissolved back into the Moment through truly feeling and understanding their personalized messages, one can learn to open one's self to new opportunities and ways of perceiving. We are then no longer locked into any particular point of view. We are no longer enslaved by the ego and to a stagnant outlook. We can learn to direct our mind to that which attracts our attention and to investigate it with the eyes of a child. Everything becomes brand new. Nothing is ever the same, because everything changes with each instant, and we can become invigorated by feeling the Newness and Freshness of what we find before us.
By enduring hardship and passing easily to the other side, we realize that to fear and to close ourselves off to life is a choice. Spin what you perceive as negative into a positive experience knowing that you can transcend that which you are stuck in to a place that is always perfect the way it is right now.
If something is hard, or if you find tension in the body and mind, it can be fun to unknot your self to a place of ease to a life where one can finally learn to breath fully.
I have fortunately fortitude of mind and have coped, and occasionally think I don't need this .. but I keep going.
Thanks .. all the best -
Hilary Melton-Butcher
Positive Letters Inspirational Stories
These tips are both precise and timely to those individuals who don't see a way out. Thanks for the positive reminder that life is a song worth singing no matter what the lyrics.
That's beautiful. It's the nature of negative emotions to tell us that they stave off the very thing they give us. Fear tells us it is trying to give us security.
Fear and resistance hold us back. In my experience, no amount of intellectual argument or reasoning will disperse them; on the other, hand releasing sheds them naturally and easily.
Great article.
9) Pain & suffering falsely tell you they last longer than joy.
10) You always come full circle, opt to be enlightened, or not.
Number nine is something I need to tattoo to my hand. When I am happy, I am happy! When I am not, I tend to relive over and over in my mind, recreating the pain and suffering like it is constant. Reading number nine makes me want to slap my forehead and say, what are you doing Kimmy!?
Number ten makes me laugh out loud. Isn't that the truth! Even when I choose to be blind and angry, whatever energy I put out will come back to me! I think this needs to be tattoo'ed to my forehead!
Thank you for this Liara. I shake my head because knowledge is subjective to what you TELL yourself! And lately I have allowed my thoughts to get the best of me.
I think I need to wallpaper my house with your books!
- pain & suffering falsely tell you they last longer than joy
- you are surprisingly naive and innocent on some realities
- resourcefulness and versatility are transferable skills
The Universe (me, ultimately) is great at testing just how much I've learned from hardship. Just when I think final exams are over, I get a pop quiz. However, remembering that resourcefulness and versatility are transferable, I'm able to pass that quiz with flying colors demonstrating just how much I've grown.
Be well, and keep shining!