8 Ways to reframe everything
It is said the Source of all energy has given everyone and everything the insight to live in harmony. Everyone has all they require, yet does not necessarily choose to recognize this. Why do people selectively forget these core teachings? What steps are you taking to uncover them and transform?
1) Be willing to undo or change how you think and feel.
2) Know ways to perceive exist other than what you now use.
3) Retrieve original teachings imprinted in heart and soul.
4) Learn not to judge anrd everse spiritual deficiency.
5) Listen to intuition to tap into unseen worlds and energy.
6) Train the mind to remove the meaning you give everything.
7) Apply all thoughts and feelings universally or dissolve them.
8) Read A Course in Miracles (ACIM). See things as they are.
"Humans have the ability to shift perspective. We can experience the world through our senses. Or we can remove ourselves from our senses and experience the world even less directly. We can think about our life, rather than thinking in our life. We can think about what we think about our life, and we can think about what we think about that. We can shift perceptual positions many times over." - John Emerick
Reader Comments (8)
I really like the fact that we can retrieve the original teachings just by viewing our internal library. It is comforting knowing that the teachings are always with us no matter where we are, what we are doing or experiencing.
And how it relates to the research of Dr. Maria Montessori that shows a child's mind is formed by age three, due to the very neural pathways encouraged. For some core teachings you speak of are not available to them until later life, IF they follow the right paths to reverse spiritual deficiencies. In some cultures based on violence harmony may never be an option. That's why how we bring up children is so all-important.
I love all 8 points. It is so true and a nice reminder when we are stuck and forget everything we need to do.
Have you heard of the ancient Hawaiian Teachings of Ho'oponopono? I posted about it on my blog today. I think you'd like the methods and Dr. hew Len. A simple but powerful technique.
I love ACIM!