13 Ways to open the memory wider

The fog that obscures why you exist now is slowly dispersing:
1) Recall nothing is random.
2) Accept all experience as fundamentally good.
3) Learn to see a bully or angry person is simply afraid.
4) Understand you are given all you are ready to receive.
5) Believe you are never shown more than you can handle.
6) View challenges are well-intentioned teachers in disguise.
7) Recognize you are free to experience anything.
8) Open the mind to shift your perception of reality.
9) See that you imagine weaknesses in order to grow.
10) Realize a past life is a recalled memory stored in cells.
11) Sense you have not adequate knowledge to judge on Earth.
12) Note every thought expands your insight into love.
13) Discern inner strength is recovered, renewed thru service.
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