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7 Tips to reverse unconsciousness

As you sense part of you is in the dark, another part of you is already in the light. That is to say only part of you is in a state of unconsciousness. Whenever you choose, you can take steps re-align.  Consider these 7 tips to reverse unconsciousness;

1) Value suffering. Perceived pain is teacher. You is not meant to wish discomfort is over so you can be happy only. Learning presence enables you to feel and gain valuable lessons in perceived grief, loss, sadness and confusion.

2) Open the mind. This does not require you believe in reincarnation. You do not need to die, have a near death experience (NDE) or be abducted by aliens. Regardless of your beliefs, you can recognize something exists other than what you consciously know. As you reach beyond yourself, details present.  You reach deeper awareness in spite of yourself.

3) Shift from intellectual to experiential. As you move from analyzing and seeking to explain to choosing to simply feel, you begin to absorb wisdom in forms other than thoughts and words. You begin to sense the truth does not require legitimacy or respect.  It is not personified.  It has no affiliation.  You move though incomprehensible wisdom, indescribable qualities and yet, reconnect with inner knowing.

4) Notice synchrony. Awareness changes. You sense meaning in events that affirms your progress. Symbols arise where you are to confirm you are on track. Books on particular subjects, billboard images, comments by passing strangers, and diverse physical examples of a subject on your mind.  People you have known for ages makes comments on subjects that attest to your own experience, yet they never mentioned their own related experiences before. You had to be ready.

5) Sense messages of immortality. A higher truth is filling your soul. You may experience glimpses of past lives, encounter higher beings, lose all vision of insecurity. You slowly realize you have nothing to fear.  You are passing through new phases of consciousness.

6) Realize behaviour belies apparent beliefs. To believe in a hereafter is often contradicted by behaviour in the physical world. That is, if only love is real, then why do you buy into other emotions and illusions?

7) Rediscover freedom.  This implies grasping the concept of karma and learning what is required to overcome it. Grace helps you align with your destiny.  Everything is aligning and you are more aware.

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Reader Comments (15)

1. Yes, by beginning to look more closely at our pain and our tension, we actually shine a light , our consciousness, upon the infected area. It's like the first step of admitting that having pain is a problem.

2. Opening the mind is like being able to see that you are in a box and that are possibilities outside of the box.

3. It's like the new light of day that is being shined on you has wisdom and new information contained within it to allow the mind and body to feel and sense something new.

4. Life begins to feel like a dream. Your thoughts are being responded to quicker and quicker.

5. When you realize it is a dream of sorts, and something lies beyond the dream, then one does not fear death, because one sees there is only change.

6. Emotions become doors that can be opened to receive more direct love.

7. When one truly loves one's entire multidimensional self, karma fully dissolves and destiny is achieved.
March 30, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBerndt
Number one is very interesting, I learned this by understanding the value of contrast.

And I am still awe struck, yet at the same time I expect it when it comes to #4. There are amazing moments that perfectly come together and recognizing them I believe enriches our perspective and moves us towards consciousness.
March 30, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterEvita
Berndt, you share a fascinating glimpse into soul evolution. Readers are grateful for your willingness to share visions. You are not required to be here or to share anything.To sense the paradox of separation enables an energy being to find its way back to true completeness.
March 30, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Evita, another way to view synchrony as to sense different connections in conscious awareness. This is about one's willingness or reluctance to live in the moment. To feel more alive is to redefine what is means to be sentient.

As for suffering, Joseph Campbell encourages people to, "participate joyfully in the sorrows of life." That is to say, learning to sense meaning in apparent suffering is actually an effective way to stretch soul. This teaches deeper love.
March 30, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Yes, I have just recently started to explore Joseph Campbell's work and am very moved by his wisdom. Still have more of his material to read and explore...
March 30, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterEvita
Evita, everything you choose to think and feel is leading you back to your core self. Consciousness is opening up. Love expands within and transforms you every moment.
March 30, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Hi Liara. More valuable information here. I love when those synchonicities happen -- there's a playfulness about that.

I've been in pain and experienced learning from it many times, as I'm sure most of us have. I'm not great at valuing suffering when I'm in the middle of it though. When I come through it, I am able to see the learning and value that. But when the suffering becomes too great, that's when I go numb and can't see anymore. And that's when I have to reach out for support to help me through.
March 30, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDavina
Davina, listening to your soul means you reach out for support when a need is perceived. Guilt is an illusion. Every moment, you are learning to expand on your understanding of unconditional love, balance, and interdependence. Every person learns in the physical reality and beyond. As a person is able to grasp presence, that is, to value each moment for what it is, then that person also begins to realize every event unfolds for the person's highest good. Human beings are not only aligned with unseen energy but also with unconscious free will and divine guidance. All you perceive, you do for you.
March 30, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
These are quite Buddhist thoughts, many of these. Interesting!
I listen to my soul today, then. Thank you Liara.
March 30, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDavina
Astrid, attaching labels to concepts sometimes enables human beings to ground themselves deeper in the physical world. As a person moves beyond the labels to sense the universal concept beneath it, then the label loses meaning and experience itself takes over to share truth. Who or what seems to convey a message is less important than the message itself. The idea being conveyed opens the soul like a key. You feel freer.
March 30, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Davina, listening to soul differently opens the mind in ways that stretch mind beyond its current perception of imagination. You make progress. To detach from what you thought you knew brings you to sense far deeper truth.
March 30, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
HI Liara,
Being conscious, how great that is. And I say that because I feel I'm closer to this today than I've ever been in the past. For me, it's been a journey to get to this point - and your writing here today just helps to solidify how I can take this even one step closer. Thank you Liara!
March 31, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLance
Lance, consciousness is ever-evolving, ever-expanding. As you open awareness, what you experience often defies explanation in human terms. Its immeasurable too.
March 31, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Oh yes, you are quite right! And I find your independent thought quite refreshing.

btw did I ever invite you to join my We Are One World Healing group? It seems that oneness is in your conscious awareness already. Details are on my blog. This April we have our 2 yr anniversary and we have 280 approx members from around the world joining our group meditation. It's very powerful.

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