The greatest secret
Imagine the greatest secret of all, is the power you have and who you are and what you are. This dormant energy, innersight and core frequency enable you to penetrate illusion and transcend any fear or external sense of control.
Admrial George Hoover reminds everyone, "The greatest secret, actually, is the enormous power that all human beings have." People are taught to suppress or underestimate the self until awakening to what is truly possible.
Join us on the Dreambuilders Australia Blog Talk Radio Show Dec 20 for an interview with William Buhlman, an OBE expert. We explore enhanced capacities available to everyone so they can access their own secrets.
With access to degrees of soul remembering and various techniques, everyone can learn to go out of their body, go to other rooms or places, look at anything , and report accurately what was there. How does your life change as you are able to travel and sense wherever in the universe? How do limits and misperception begin to drop away?
Reader Comments (13)
Awakening to the true soul is the most glorious awakening. Imagine if we all tapped into the infinite, how enlightened the world would be. We can rebuild our universe with one flick of insight.
"People are taught to suppress or underestimate the self until awakening to what is truly possible"
Why do you think this is so?
People often ask me "How are you" and seem to need me to give a slightly negative response...
...perhaps so they can feel more at home in their own negativity. (and me...I'm not trying to be superior.)
It physically takes more effort to smile than to frown. More muscles are used and most actors find a natural smile one of the most difficult expressions to achieve on stage.
As it happens, I also interviewed William Buhlman about this on my radio show Dec 20. His books are fascinating. Check out his website and/or BTR show archives. He offers personal stories and techniques as do people like Robert A. Monroe and Robert Bruce. They each have more than 20 years experience in this area. You may also find other references that resonate. Curiosity is the spark of another intriguing journey. Check out this pre-show interview I offer with William:
I'm glad you found my blog, because now I have found yours!
My idea on what you wrote? We all, deep down, realize just how powerful we are. And that scares the daylights out of most people.
So they retreat into a false powerlessness rather than deal with the control/ability/influence they have. And there arises the conflict...cognitive dissonance, that old by-word in psychology, will not allow them to simultaneously admit to their power AND blame circumstances/others for their pain or failure. So they ignore the power. Seems easier, safer.
Acknowledging the power requires acting on that knowledge...and to those who fear their power, or have not learned how to use it, it's like driving a Formula One Racer on Lombardi Street in San Francisco. No wonder many would rather limp along in a beat-up Dodge Dart with two flat tires and faulty clutch!
Thanks - Hilary Melton-Butcher
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