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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

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Reconnect with inner peace

I initially experienced the nothern lights (Aurora borealis) during journeys through northern Scandinavia. One can also sense this phenomena in other geographic places, though images, sound, expanding senses and multi-dimensional travel.  One discovers languages of peace & joy echo through timeless universal light energy. Regardless of where you are, this is a window into soul. Share your impressions of this cosmic language. How does it invite you to expand senses differently?

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Reader Comments (4)

I remember in the late 90's I went to bed and began to really pay attention to the view screen of my mind, even though my eyes were closed. And in poured waves upon waves of the aurora....blues reds greens and purples...colours that dazzles my mind. Remembering this, I feel that this event associated its self with the dissolving of a big issue in my life. Perhaps the lights were a representation of new energy flowing back into my Being having been held back by previous blocks. The aurora was a restructuring of the minds senses.

I first saw my first Aurora borealis in
Alaska. Its like being in a place where one's hard headedness evaporates, allowing for new knowledge to penetrate into the new moment. New possibilities from the top of the world.

Do you ever get to see the Aurora australis down under?

Its interesting that Aurora is like a genus name and borealis is a species name. Scientists must realize that it is alive.

The Aurora is the face of Inspiration.
It brings the spirit of creation.
October 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBernie
Bernie, to emerge out of body or out of mind enables one to experience the aurora regardless of apparent geographic location. The aurira australis is seen in Antartica and I have glimpsed this phenomena in South America.
October 13, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Watching this (since I've never seen the Northern Lights in-person) hits me right on the heart chakra. It's all in my chest... How magnificent!
October 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMegan "JoyGirl!" Bord
Megan, energy lines and what you may not yet see works in mysterious ways. The internet is an incredible gift to the process of collective expansion. It allows people to experience things that prompt awakening of dormant senses. Close your eyes any moment and experience the aurora again. You move from imagination to consciously using the third eye as a window into soul travel.
October 16, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert

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