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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Believe the odds are in your favor

Every new experience evokes a new world inside you. That is, you expand on what you thought you knew and realize there is more to this life than what you had previously thought.

Now, many people regularly go through life feeling like they hold the weight of the physical world on their shoulders. They seem to attract other people's perceived burdens, absorb heavy energy, and clutch tightly to the familiar because it is there.

This is a reminder that impermanence is reality.  You may exert an enormous amount of energy in an attempt to keep things as they are, but it will be to no avail.  You are not meant to keep people as they are at a given moment. Life as you know it will shift like the crust of the earth that is in constant motion.

You experience perpetual changes, but you are also raising awareness to discern the good in all of it.  Life is a process. This is not meant to scare you or cause you to feel as though you cannot count on anyone or anything.  Believe the odds are in your favor. Your health, happiness, and peace are waiting for you to rediscover them.   Your outlook begins and ends in you.

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Reader Comments (10)

Hi Liara,
I like the upbeat feeling embedded in this post. Just believing that the odds are in our favor gives us such a sense of accomplishment. Even though we may me mutate many times over, we will get to where we are going - the odds are in our favor.
January 8, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAlexys Fairfield
You are so right, and I am aware of this but still its so hard to change isnt it. but I am changing and its good, 2009 has been a breath of fresh air.
I reckon living in the moment, treating others like you would like to be treated and not judging others are good morals to live by.
Thanks for your inspiring post, brilliant!
January 9, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMichael
Alexys, every moment, every person has a choice to find something positive about where they are and to believe things are getting better. How you perceive what is 'in your favor' evolves based on what you are ready to acknowledge within yourself and the world. We have unlimited opportunities to replace destructive thinking and behaviours. The Dalai Lama draws attention to "Like and dislike, gain and loss, praise and blame, fame and disgrace: these are the eight mundane concerns which condition our existence." We can move beyond preoccupations that do not really matter. The odds are in our favor we are moving toward what is best for our soul.
January 9, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Michael, the truth is that the human capacity to experience guilt enables us to learn the meaning of dignity and integrity inside and in relation to other people. The odds are in our favor that we will each rise above the self-created fears that cause us to imagine we are inadequate, incompetent or less than worthy of living to the fullest and knowing love. Human beings stray off their dstined path in order to reprogram their internal compass.
January 9, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
I haven't been here in some time and it was refreshing to my spirit to read your last couple of posts :)

As a fullblown Aries, I thrive on change..... But some changes haven't been as easily made...primarily because of fear. Seems to me that once I could get a handle on any fear I was feeling, changes were much easier to make, or to assimilate. These changes generally have to do with relationships, say, and finances. All those 'security' issues. LOL

Like they say - the only constant is change. And yet, so often I've instigated change (or been thrown into it!) as a"Rebirth".

Thank you so much for this wonderful reminder!
January 9, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterGrace
Sweet, simple and inspiring as always, Liara. I could most identify with how the world changes according to our experiences in life. One major contributing factor in my own growth has been a conscious embrace of change, or impermanence.
January 9, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterScott Aaron Rose
Grace, it can be helpful to ask yourself how anxiety and fear help you. Anxiety prompts people to be more honest with themselves, to cut through their avoidance. Many people forget that allowing themselves to feel discomfort is like a guiding sentinel. It helps you to navigate through personal relationships and other life situations. Fear is like a cue or subtle nuance. Your body registers all energy so you can decide what is the best thing to do at a given moment. To believe the odds are in your favor is to be willing to slow down or shift gears when it feels right.
January 9, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Scott, impermanence is something every human being experiences but nonetheless struggles against in many ways. As people learn to focus on what it means to feel present at a given moment, they are learning what it means to love themselves more fully and to disregard fears about what may not be. To believe the odds are inyour favour implies you are slowly working to dissolve any mental image of odds at all. You transcend them.
January 9, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Hello Liara - another wonderful message to awaken the highest version of who we are!

I think once people start taking conscious control of their lives they realize that the odds really ARE in their favour!

Very uplifting post indeed :)
January 9, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterEvita
Evita, it is quite an exercise to work backwards to better understand why you believe odds exist against you in the first place. Where odds exist, evens also exist to balance things out. People forget that. They forget that they attract conditions according to their dominant thoughts. You must believe you have, live or experience what you desire already. You are not simply getting better, you are well. You can learn to emit the frequency of having received those experiences you wish to integrate into your life. Theya re already part of it. Learn to sense them now.
January 9, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert

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