7 Reasons people fear spiritual awakening

Spiritual awakening means different things for different people. It has been known to evoke fear and ignite vigorous debate. It has been known to create an incredible lightness of being or to leave issues unresolved. Consider these reasons why people fear spiritual awakening and how you could reframe things;
1) Fear of being judged. People spend years adopting the ideas and beliefs of others. These beliefs shape personality, defenses and influence what it takes for you to feel satisfied. This creates ingained expectations for acceptance, approval and desire to avoid rejection, even if these feelings are illusory.
2)Ignorance of mental blocks. People are not always aware that their true identity is buried beneath an external personality structure. You build identity, layer-by layer, based on your chosen thoughts and activities. You reinforce identity based on how other people see you. Soul-level healing awakens as you discern emotional energy blocks and capacity for change.
3) Confusion concerning implications. Certain people have the impression spiritual awakening requires something they do not have or, efforts that are beyond their knowledge or capabilities. As you evolve when and how you choose, such perceptions are unfounded. Your journey is based on free will.
4) Misconceptions about spirit energy. Some people convince themselves they may wake up hearing voices and seeing things they cannot control. You may fear you could lose your mind. The idea that it is normal to hear certain kinds of voices may seem just bizarre. Realize your mind and senses will not permit you to attune to energies on levels you are not ready for. Belief in yourself is a prerequisite for any progress.
5) Lack on insight into ego. A false sense of self obscures your view of reality. A part of you grows jealous, resentful and even offended that you would consider shifting the focus of your energy away from "me." This part of you is unaware that the more you empower and include others, the more smoothly your energy flows and the stronger you grasp interactions with other kinds of energy. Ego creates obstacles, tension and opposition. Spiritual awakening is a tool to dissolve them.
6) Love may seem frightening. Spirituality is linked with intangible forms of self-love. In order to deepen a sense of love, a person must be willing to give up control. One illusion of fear is that it makes you feel as though you maintain the illusion of control. Choosing to explore and expand love requires courage to open up to vulnerability.
7) Selective blindness about Universal laws. The function of cause and effect, polarities, attraction and other universal laws affect far more than what you experience in the physical world. Some people fear the helpful information will be "over their heads" or, irrelevant to the lives they are leading. From the moment you internalize personal pronouns such as "I" or "me," you have entered a dimension of illusion. Words and ideas that split life into fragments have no reality. It is said you distance from truth to prepare for spiritual awakening.
Reader Comments (10)
I can see it now from having been blind in thre past - to now the continuing joyous awarenesses that come through. It is work, and more work - and yet the result is freedom and so worth facing the pain/truth/facts and finding the casue so as to make effective change.
How do you always find EXACTLY the right points to list ?
Your posts are always so concise, targeted and wise. Points 1 and 6 apply most to me. I still let myself wonder what others think, and fear letting go completely and loving 'all out'. Thanks for challenging me to think about this.
I felt myself at several of these levels throughout my life. Has this held me back at times? Yes, I'm sure it has. And the more get over the fears associated with a real spiritual awakening, the more free, really, that I feel. Thank you for this, very much, Liara...
On different note when I visit your blog, the main page - It shows me your latest posts but the ones that display are old. Thought I would let you know.
We live in a material world and most of us value material "reasonable" things - money, possessions, career. In short, common wisdom....
It takes a lot of courage to go against the common direction and start thinking about spiritual values vs material ones....
Daphne, the fear of judgment imprisons the mind. From the moment you become aware of the nature of an obstacle, that obstacle begins to dissolve. You choices shape what comes after that.
Lance, each human beings is at a different stage of spiritual awakening, even if they are oblivious at a conscious level. Amelia Earhart reminds people, "courage is the price life extracts for granting peace."
Bruno, thanks for the tip about 'latest posts.' I will look into that. Fear of losing self-control is a major issue for many people. People can learn to work through their fears. It is a gradual process that is always within reach to people who are consciously willing to do it.
rummuser, as individuals gradually move to define the parameters of their comfort zones, it becomes possible for these individuals to choose to reorient. To choose to explore why you create a comfort zone reveals fears and mindsets that encourage you to heal. People have free will. Their levels of conscious awareness differ greatly.
Alik, you make significant points. A large percentage of people think in terms of black and white. They readily absorb what they are told from who they view as respected authorities and do not always question. Pioneers blaze their own trails. They willingly open themselves to possibilities other people are not willing to fathom.
Evita, you hit the nail right on the head with your comment. Some reason always underlies discomfort. In fact, reasons underlie apparent reasons and other reasons may even underlie those! It is a very personal process to peel away the layers of misconceptions. Those people least apt to change are the ones the universe often forces to change through unexpected events. This offers lessons.
This is a very good list and I can see myself in most of the "fears" you mentioned. Especially, letting of of ego and being conscious of how people see me. I'm working hard to become more spiritually aware. I especially liked what you said about love, "Choosing to explore and expand love requires courage to open up to vulnerability."