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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

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4 tips to eliminate what does not serve you

People dream up all kinds of ideas about who and what they really are.  That does not mean all these visions are necessarily accurate or how you identify yourself always serves you.

Ask yourself how your view of yourself relates to your dreams.  If you choose to take steps to eliminate what you are not, then you will bravely move closer to rediscover who you are; 

1) Remove the labels.  You are not your alma mater, your diplomas, your job, your name, your address, your car, your gadgets, your entourage or any external thing you may mistakenly believe defines you.  This is just window-dressing.

2) Step outside your body.  Physical appearances are often deceiving.  Whatever your build, your hair color, your ethnicity, your muscleclature, your gender, your number of limbs and digits, all of this is separate from what abides underneath.

3) Detach from your dependence on the mind.  What used to seem palpable does not exist as you may assume.  The pronouns you use to describe yourself add depth to existence that is otherwise hollow and empty.  If your consciousness is mistaken about what appears to it, then you are brought to confront your predispositions and value judgments.

4) Identify additional misconceptions.  Meditation and other exercises in mental discipline will enable you to counteract and dissolve other ideas about your existence.  As you explore your exaggerated sense of self, you will further dismantle the shaky foundation.  You will discern the difference between your sense of self and conditioned sense of existence through your experience.  It can only be that way.

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Reader Comments (8)

Hi Liara,
How often do we get caught up with labels. I graduated from x. I have a new sports car. I live in a big house. My child is the starting quarterback. Etc. Etc. And you are so right about these not serving us - they are all superficial. They are not the real us. I love this point, and how it speaks to our inner "us" - not just the outward facade we have up...
January 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLance
Lance, human beings do not realize they often build a sense of identity by external things. This helps to explain why certain people fear approaching retirement or any other big changes in their lives. They mistakenly believe they are losing a part of themselves when they are actually removing another painless veil to get closer to the truth.
January 14, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
I use the detachment to generate a sense of humour and can stop from taking myself too seriously. This is a unique feature of our minds that can be developed to great effect.
January 14, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterrummurser
These are all great steps. Removing labels is one of my favorites. "When you label me, you negate me" - not sure who said that, however it is so true, labels establish perceived limits. When we remove labels we remove limitations that we place on ourselves and others.
January 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMark
rummurser, thanks for sharing that hint. Human beings often underestimate the power of the mind and the usefulness of humor. Some people even consider it indispensible. Without awareness of comedy, tears of joy and disbelief would take on new meaning.
January 14, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Mark, it is incredibly liberating to remove the labels you place on yourself and those other people use to define you. Some people evolve to focus so much time improving themselves that they have no time left to judge others.
January 14, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Liara what wonderful information you are spreading yet again!

As some of the above comments say, labels are indeed so limiting and when we remove them one is so free! Sometimes I think to myself, how would my life have been different if I knew perhaps when I was a teenager what I know now... I am not dwelling on the past, but just thinking of how many teens, young people, old people... everyone who is tied by labels would have such a different and easier, more fulfilled way through life if they just applied that one precious piece of info.

Whether the labels or any other attachment that you mention,I think most of all we cannot grasp how magnificent life is until we really "FEEL" ourselves without any other or excess baggage.
January 22, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterEvita
Evita, every chosen label draws attention to some level of dissatisfaction or, unfulfilled yen. Intense desire may have no apparent focus. It emerges in individuals who are unable or unwilling to define a reason for their stae of mind. Until you become aware of ego thought forms within yourself, you will continue to act on them, sense a lack that is, in fact, an illusion. Identity, as you define it at this moment, may not truly serve you. But, visions change.
January 22, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert

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