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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Why do you feel like a radio?

You are constantly receiving information in forms of energy. At this stage, you do not consciously register all messages received or discern where all data comes from. You do not realize the nature of all vibrations you transmit. This is not necessary. You become aware on a need-to-know basis.

In reality, you use selective senses to transmit and receive energy. As you raise your awareness of how you think and feel, you begin to realize how complex a being you truly are. The field of your energy alone affects how you interact with others, as well as how your physical body functions.

Consider how you catch a glimpse of something in passing or hear a sound at a distance. In neither case do you use all five commonly-used senses to register one thing, yet you trust something is real. Senses you use regularly are not always aligned or, attuned to register the same energy vibration or frequency. You may use a few senses to reinforce conscious recognition, but you use many senses and do not register everything that is happening exactly when it does. You break things up in time.

In addition, at this moment, you have senses that register energy flow in ways you are unaware of. You acknowledge or ignore what you choose. You heal parts of yourself or not, as you choose. At any given moment, you have different motives and intentions for taking action or not. Your unconscious and deeper consciousness, register more energy vibrations than you currently realize.

Take, for example, when another person is speaking with you. Why do you not always understand what is being asked? You may not register their underlying motive or intention. How many times have you assumed you understood what you were asked to do and learned later that you assumed something other than the intention of the person who asked you? Misunderstanding happens.

What about when you hear you are being called for a meal. Yet, you continue to play or work and ignore the message? In this case, you consciously register and disregard in favour of other priorities.

If you evolve to believe all energy simply evolves and changes, then you may also believe human beings are energy that transforms, even when they leave the physical world. If energy forms are communicating with you on a different frequency, then you will not register or acknowledge it.

Consider yourself as a kind of radio with different channels. You tune in and tune out to selective channels to listen to what appeals. If you have ever moved a radio dial, then you realize what it is like to suddenly find channels you had not heard. They existed even when you did not notice them.

Attuning to energy vibration is similar. Your thoughts and feelings enable you to move in and out of range. You can attune to different channels and receive messages that have been transmitted and retransmitted until you chose to hear. You can connect to what has always been, but what you have not been consciously ready or willing to register. Messages are constantly coming your way.

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Reader Comments (4)

I could not agree more - a really clear explanation.

October 1, 2008 | Unregistered CommentersoulMerlin
Henry, the frequencies human beings choose to hear teach benefits of learning to attune to the power of a given moment. It is often learned through a process of trial and error. You think you sense what is important or useful and then, evolve to change your mind. Your journey is filled with amazing wisdom.
October 1, 2008 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Hi Liara,
I like the title of this post. It is all about how we communicate and what we communicate. Do we want a life full of static or do we want to hear and respond accordingly? Then again, we can always change the station on what we broadcast and the message in which we listen.
October 1, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAlexys Fairfield
Alexys, as a person evolves to become aware of static in the mind radio, it becomes possible to learn to move the dial. The more open-minded a person is, the more atuuned he or she can become to the many energy frequencies that exist.
October 2, 2008 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert

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