Star Kids: What does this mean for you?
Richard Boylan has been researching 'Star Kids.' He claims that much like Indigo, Rainbow and Crystal children, Star Kids are a group that stands out in its own way. His book, "Star Kids: The Emerging Cosmic Generation," offers insight into his findings and invites human beings to rethink everything they have been taught about "normal" and "Earthly beings." You may ask, what does this mean for you? Could you be 'different' yourself?
You may hear talk of profound changes in young human behavior and query connections. Teachers, parents, physicians, psychologists, and counsellors note dramatic differences in emerging children and teens. Suddenly, young people are revealing skills and levels of intelligence that differ greatly from what was thought to be "normal." They mature faster physically and mentally. They do not "fit in" in traditional school, disrupt general learning, exhibit psychic and other unique skills, including deep, spiritual beliefs. They favor compassion yet, feel stifled in Earthly bodies and mindsets.
Some children exhibit a special fascination with outer space and extra-terrestrial life. Many are science fiction buffs and feel deeply connected to other worlds. You may have even met someone convinced they were "from another planet." These are traits of 'Star Kids,' and the 'Star Seed' adults. Maybe Star Trek fans have other, cosmic motives?
In "42 Signs That a Child May Be a Star Kid," Boylan describes traits which help identify common threads. A Star Kid (or Star Seed Adult) is a child of both human and Star Visitor origin. The Star Visitor link to the child's makeup may come from:
1) Star Visitor genes spliced into human reproductive material, (genetic engineering);
2) from a deliberately-chosen “missionary” incarnation of an Star Visitor into a human body to accomplish important work here, bringing useful awareness and competencies;
3) from advanced Star Visitor biomedical technology able to alter a grown human to become more robust, psychic, etc.;
4) from a “Walk-In” situation in which a human somewhere during childhood or later begins to die from an accident or serious illness, but the departing human spirit/soul/personality is replaced by a Star Visitor spirit/soul/personality, which carries on and completes the lifetime; and,
5) by a Star Visitor personality/ consciousness coming in and sharing his own consciousness/personality within the human’s awareness field as dual, or alternating, consciousnesses.
According to Boylan,
"Star Kids/ Star Seed Adults display skills, such as: telepathy (mental communication), precognition (knowing the future), telekinesis (moving objects by mental concentration), clairvoyance/remote viewing (mentally seeing things distant in space or time), "downloading" information (from off-planet consciousnesses), cross-species communication, penetrating intuitiveness (just "knowing" something without being told), affecting electrical devices (e.g., devices turn on or blow out as the kid goes by), remote-influencing others (telepathically), inter-dimensional viewing, aura-reading (learning about another's health, intentions, etc. by observing the energy field surrounding them), psychic diagnosis ("reading" the person's energy field fluctuations), psychic or bioenergetic healing (transferring helpful energy to a person), invisibility work (making self "invisible" (mentally), teleportation (moving self or object from one locale to another by mental effort), levitation (rising from the ground by mental effort), mental influencing (telepathically causing another to "feel" like doing something the Star Kid wants) , earth energy adjustment work, time dilation or contraction (causing events, trips, etc. to take longer or shorter time than ordinary), pre-sensitivity to earthquakes or human disasters like car crashes, interdimensional awareness, astral (out-of-body) travel, channeling (serving as a conduit for a person not present to speak through), shared consciousness (with a Star Visitor guide), operating in close mental connection with their Star Visitor guides, and physically summoning and connecting with one's Star-Visitor and other guardians."
There is more. I encourage you to read it yourself and arrive at your own conclusions.
Some Star Kids do not recall Star Visitor contact until a later time in their life. These children are different. They can get confused about their experiences on this planet. Their maturity makes them seem to be adults in children's bodies. Have you ever noticed anyone with a gaze and a inner knowingness well beyond their years?
Reader Comments (15)
FWIW - I have been writing daily posts that attempt to explain the source of this influence. I also explain some of the spiritual learnings that all of us, especially the Crystal, Indigo, and Stars should be learning if we are going to find our true happiness.
Possibly this site may help you and your readers. The address is:
Thanks for the opportunity to comment.
Human beings have questioned their origins from as far back as anyone has ever documented. The key is to develop self-confidence to levels where you have faith in your own answers. For when you choose to beleive in yourself, you truly transform.
Anyway I found it so touching and moving. It hit especially close to home with me as being a secondary school educator, I see it all with the kids who act out and cannot conform and the average teacher out there who really looks down upon them and wishes they did not have to put up with them. But simply if we could change our perspective and see the gifts in these children - life would be so much better - both for us and them.
The thing is that our school system is greatly outdated and we are trying to force many unnatural things upon the evolving children of today and as much I as wish I could say a change is coming in the public school systems - it isn't. Hence I highly recommend private schools, especially ones where the parents can match their own life perogative and their kids abilities and interests to what the schools offer.
One size just does not fit all - especially today.
An intriguing analogy can be made with the series of X-men films. A group of "gifted" youngsters find they are better off learning together because they have "different" skills or "heightened awareness." A similar thread comes out in Harry Potter books and films where 'Muggles' (normal humans) are set apart from children who are perceived as different. The common thread is that "different' is portrayed as useful, good and valuable. Each person must evolve to accept him or herself before he/she will fully accept others.
"Star Visitor genes spliced into human reproductive material, (genetic engineering)"
Is there actual scientific proof of this? Because if there's been gene splicing, wouldn't our scientists be able to see evidence of dissimilarities in one's DNA?
And, as for the "evidence" of star kids (telepathy, telekinesis, etc.) it's my understanding that none of that has been proven scientifically using the scientific method. I may be (and hope I am) wrong about that. Let me know what you've learned.
Forgive me if I sound skeptical. The scientist in me has to question it. :)
If sceptics truly desire to convert themselves into believers, then they would find information that demonstrates what they resist accepting. When non-believers do not choose to believe, this reaction invites the non-believer to think about reasons behind their resistences. If and when that person is ready, he or she will open up to new kinds of awareness. It is not anyone's job to convert you to another view of truth.
Now, if you define 'scientific proof' as experiments or trials where results are examined, you can research projects and findings of existing university departments of parapsychology. Koestler (Edinburgh) and Duke (USA) are a few well known ones. The University of Arizona has been recognized for researching consistency of mediumship. Alison Dubois, whose life experiences are the focus of the tv show Medium and James Van Praagh, whose life experiences are the basis for the tv show Ghost Whisperer, suggest certain phenomena are more widespread than you may have realized. Mediums assist crime investigation more often than police advertise publically. Many books exist on this written by the mediums themselves. Other tv programs and documentaries exist too. When you develop an interest in a subject, its amazing what information you can find.
Consider points highlighted on Dean Radin's site:
Here, you will find a list of some scientific societies with parapsycholgy interests as well as these points which offer reasons why parapsychology is so controversial;
1) media and much of the public often confuse parapsychology with sensational, unscientific beliefs and stories about "the paranormal." Such widespread confusion has led many scientists to dismiss the field as being unworthy of serious study, thus they think it is not even worth their time to examine the existing evidence.
In addition, thoroughly understanding the nature of the existing evidence in parapsychology is not easy. While the meta-analytic results are persuasive, meta-analysis requires an appreciation of statistical reasoning to understand that form of evidence. For people who are not familiar with statistics, or don't trust it (which is usually a sign of misunderstanding), the evidence will not seem very persuasive. Those same people may then go looking for the big stuff , the psi-in-your-face, self-evident proofs, and they will find enormous amounts of anecdotal evidence but almost no scientifically credible data. They may view lengthy discussions, such as the one in this FAQ, as proof that no one really knows what is going on, and that scientists are still basically waffling and indecisive about this topic.
Our response is simple: The scientific evidence for some forms of psi is indeed persuasive. By the same standards used to establish proof in other areas of science, we can say with confidence psi does exist. We are beginning to learn a little about it, and who has it.
2) if someone wanted to study the evidence, much of the persuasive, technical details are published in limited circulation professional journals. These can be found in most large university libraries, but in many cases, scholars must request reprints and technical reports from authors. This FAQ was produced partially to alleviate the problem, and to provide references to various resources. (See the website above at 'Where can I get more information?')
3) some people are afraid that psi might be true.
The idea of "accepting" anything relates back to each individual; his/her fears, belief systems, conditioning and perception of real-life awareness and experience. Specialized schools exist for mediums and human beings with other 'unique' skills. You only learn about them and what goes on inside if you relate on some level. Think of Harry Potter and Hogworts School of Magic. If you are not a magician, or if you have no connection to that kind of existence, you would not know it existed. I make an analogy with International Space University. Until I became aware of that scheme of things, I did not know the institution existed. Life experience opened my perception and enabled me to expand my inner and outer awareness differently.
You are right Liara, I am not only implying the curriculum, although that is an issue as kids are forced to learn things that they really really are not interested in, when they could be using that time to cultivate their talents.
But to add to that, I mean the whole routine, the morning wake-up, the class duration time, the discipline, etc. Today's kids have outgrown this- at least in my opinion being there first hand with them, it is very obvious. And almost all adults just keep saying "how today's kids are this and that" (fill in negative comments)
The kids are not bad, we are just cramming them into a box per say from which they want to break out of.
And yes I saw the movie the X-Men - that school was fantastic!
The problem with the alternate schools is that the average parent, even if they wanted to cannot send their kids to it due to the high costs - unlike with public education. So naturally a few kids get lucky and are able to grow and evolve in better atmospheres, while the majority have to conform to an environment that does not allow them to flourish and live out the highest version of themselves.
One view I read recently described perceptions of being from a different solar system as a psychological disorder. A fear of being diagnosed or pigeon-holed frightens some people who prefer not to vocalize what they think about their true origins.
Alternative healers have written a view on star kids as well; they believe sensing you are from somewhere other than Earth raises possible seventh chakra and grounding issues. In this way, some healers sense that star kids (and star seed adults) resist incarnation. They offer suggestions about how to reconnect with wherever you sense you came from in order to feel more grounded wherever you are. Everyone can reclaim a level of 'humanness,' even allowing for the possibility you have been something else before.
I believe each human being has capacity to reconnect with themselves on deep levels. This would also nourish stronger connections with the stars. Forces greater than ourselves empower each of us to explore infinite levels of energy to get completeness.