What do you do if someone hates you?
Whether its in your workplace or some other area of your life, it may seem disconcerting if you have the impression someone hates you. This negative vibe may evoke a very strong feeling. You might ask what you did wrong? What can you do about this anyway?
First of all, hate is an offshoot of fear and vulnerability. What you perceive in others reveals deeper feelings in need of healing. Each experience you have is meant to assist you to transform into more profound awareness. Hate and fear are the opposites of love.
If you hate someone, then this enables that person to exert power over you. This is an invitation to push your figurative and emotional buttons. Life is all about learning to detach from such manipulation. Life always evolves differently than you expect it to be.
Some people think hate is an illusion, that it doesn't really exist. People imagine different forms of rejection and disapproval as a mirror or reflection of insecurity. To think positively helps to dissolve such images. Shatter myths you create out of fear. You did nothing wrong. Everything is realtive. Just change your attitude. Discipline your mind.
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