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Thunderbird Magic

The following article was originally written as guest post June 23 on Our Evolution Blog:

The Thunderbird legend is timeless. Some people believe it began as a myth of Native American tribes in the Pacific Northwest and the Great Lakes. Yet, the legend spread much wider. This great creature has been sighted by non-native people on many different continents.

Native American myths suggest this enormous Thunderbird is a guardian Spirit with innate power to influence changes in the elements and energy shifts in everything. It has penetrating vision and changes form to help regenerate and stabilize the energy grids of the Earth.

Legend says the magical creature flew with a whole whale in its claws and saved a Chilkat tribe from starvation. As lightning shoots out from its eyes and thunder clangs from its wings, you might imagine everyone would hear it coming. Wisdom reveals the depth of your faith and nature of your beliefs determine all you will sense and experience.

As it happens, the Lakota and other tribes believe that if you have repeated dreams of birds, the medicine or alternative healing way is part of your destiny. Yet, if you envision a Thunderbird, you are destined to be a ‘Heyoka,’ that is, to learn to channel and heal with electromagnetic energy. According to Laughing Deer in the

Encylopedia Mythica, Heyoka is “one who does things backwards or opposite...Spirit chooses who is Heyoka; it is a very difficult path to follow.”

Of course, difficulty is relative. Conditioning may have also taught you choose your own destiny. This in mind, you’re never alone. Discerning that the Thunderbird serves the Great Spirit beyond enables you to realize you are also guided you in ways you hadn’t foreseen by forces you have yet to understand.

Some people believe a Heyoka is a trickster to be feared, ridiculed and revered. Negative perception does not recognize illusion is part of the teaching medicine of Heyoka. Human beings won’t grasp life in the same way. Heyoka practices are sacred and have magical meanings that carry over into your life. Will you be empowered to shift your consciousness?

Heyokas are said to embody divine strength. They are trusted interpreters of dreams and heal with innate insights that even they themselves underestimate. They may unexpectedly enter your dreams or your apparent reality. Why? To remind you not to get too serious about your current mental state, physical form, thoughts and beliefs. Human beings are encouraged to be humble, to detach from conditions and to recognize Spirit wields all power. You only determine how you will react to a given set of impermanent circumstances.

Thunderbird magic itself relates back to the mythical bird’s role as a catalyst in the lives of human beings. It triggers revelation, transformation and energy shifts beyond superficial perception. Heyoka behavior, awakened by the Thunderbird, defies the status quo to awaken your senses to change your own behavior. The magic you hold within yourself enables you to initiate changes at the cellular level of your being. Thunderbird magic leads you back to rediscover the dormant magic within yourself.

After all, from birth, you master the art of producing your own illusions. Your perception is full of them. By extraordinary or mystical influence, you produce desired effects or results in every area of your life. How much of this do you realize? Supernatural elements are forces of your own nature. Thunderbird magic opens a doorway into another dimension of your soul. As you raise your awareness, you prepare to explore infinity.

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Reader Comments (6)

Dear liara, thank you for this well written informative post. Now I learnt a little bit. I'll be back.
June 25, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterrainer
rainer, the 'here and now' is full of opportunities to learn. No path or method of learning is better than any other. As the saying goes, "all roads lead to Rome." Your guides are everywhere. You decide what to sense and experience, what advice to follow or ignore.
June 25, 2008 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Very glad to see you reposting your Thunderbird post...
And certainly not because I get a link. It feel glad for You !!!

July 2, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAlexander M Zoltai
Alex, your blog offers a wealth of ideas and reflections that remind each person how they focus energy and channel power unconsciously. I always look forward to whatever poetry or other surprises you choose to share. Your work reminds readers they have the choice to be transformed by the wind, by anyone they encounter or conditions they create.
July 9, 2008 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
In a dream December 23rd. 2008 I transformed into a thunder bird, shot up into the sky with immense speed and power and killed a giant sized evil raven.
I have been flying in dreams since childhood (the speed of a bullet is nothing) in my younger days I was curious to see how fast I could fly around our planet. I was delighted to discover I could make it around the globe in time to see my feet leave.
I have destroyed evil things in dreams for decades but have never transformed into anything.
As I shot towards the giant raven I felt an influx of power and shouted I am a Thunder bird and to my amazement took the shape of a Thunder bird.
What could this mean ?
December 25, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterjim
jim, your dreams have whatever meaning you chose to give them. The appearance of thunderbirds in dreams teach us that our mind has teachings and messages that need to be listened to. The Haida Indians of the Northwest coast refer to the raven as a troublemaker that embodies traits of good and evil. Ravens are also viwed as guardian spirits that draw your attention to parts of your true self that you have temporarily forgotten or refused to accept. Ravens may also be viewed as confusing shapeshifters or chameleons. They draw attention to what you deny or overlook. The thunderbird has been known to reveal sources of your inner fear. When a human gets too close to inner truth, the thunderbird creates thunder or some commotion. Interpet this as you will.
December 25, 2008 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert

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