3 Ways to experience your soul
If you take the view that you're alive to learn, then you begin to realize you have infinite opportunities. As you evolve to tap into your soul in diverse situations, you gain insight into yourself. You learn how listening to soul can transform your dreams and your life.
How often do you choose to notice the experience of your soul around different people? Do you open your heart to express love and compassion? Perhaps you react with fear and anxiety? You always choose whether energy and thoughts will affect you in positive ways.
To experience your soul;
1) you sense your perspective changing from a focus on yourself and your life to an increasing awareness of how your actions affect others. Its like choosing to detach from your personalized experience of things in favor of discerning what seems 'universal.'
2) you grow more flexible and willing to listen to others without attachment of getting your way. You readily choose peace over conflict. Winning and losing no longer exist. You create uplifting feelings that transcend what you thought you knew.
3) you evolve to love yourself and others unconditionally. You realize you have no reason to fluctuate. Emotion, the temptation to judge or perceived changes in personalities no longer control you. Sense all experience you have now and forever serve(s) you.
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