Alter life's frequency with your senses
Each thought you generate, each word you express, each action you take, actually produces changes in your fundamental energy pattern. You may ask how to view this invisible energy that surrounds and defines you. What do you send out into the world?
Now, everything you do reverberrates energy, much like the lines from a flat stone you might skip on the surface of water. Your energy fluctuates and touches on energy lines of your environment. What you perceive manifests the experiences you choose in life.
You manipulate energy as a means to alter energy. Everything around you is the physical product of delicate, vibrating threads. Even your sense of time, what you seem to produce or experience, all relates to your self-awareness. What pace do you choose?
To sense energy is to realize you can evolve to alter your state at will. Your life can seem like it expands or contracts yet, it does neither. What you think you know now may cause you to believe ideas don't jive. You re-experience what you have before and by choice. Whatever you focus on shapes your experience. You life is an infinite mural you paint with your mind. You alter your frequency with expanding senses, every instant.
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