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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Reconstruct your conscience

Some people interpret a conscience.  You may describe this as an inner sense that prompts you to judge what is right and wrong in your own thoughts and behavior.  Its the part of you that helps identify the 'right action' at the right time or criticizes others.

What you may not realize is your conscience, as you sense it right now, is an untrustworthy guide.  As we grow up, we adopt beliefs of others as a means of working through our own sense of what makes us who we are.  Your self-worth grows from there.  That is to say you grow to mistrust your body and mind, based on what others think.

Our conscious mind is in the process of forming, evolving and changing. Throughout your life, you periodically abandon ideas that no longer fit with how you think and how your view yourself.  Underneath it all, you are uncovering your innate pattern of feelings.

To discover that you deprive yourself of discerning and realizing abilities is the first step the redirecting your thoughts.  You are already aware of reference points.  You sense how to remedy your situation and unconsciously know what to do. This doesn't require identifying what is positive or not about where you are.  Transcend the impulse to do so.

Before you start to self-question, train yourself to accept you need not analyze how you got here.  Your beliefs regulate your reality.  Your free will enables you to restructure your conscience based on discarding thoughts that don't serve you.  Choose to embrace the gift of everything.  Dissolve guilt and any other feelings that spark doubt of self-love.

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Reader Comments (2)

I realize that the conscious is constantly evolving and changing ourself but the conscience that we program at the young stage seems to requires great will power to replace the old conscience. Anyway, I'm glad we have the free will to build our personality and destiny. I utilize the opportunity to improve myself everyday.
June 1, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAzhagiya Tamilmagan
Azhagiya, as you develop an awareness of the nature of your conscience, and combine this with intention and action, then you gain more control over your own evolution. The human will is very powerful. You can use it to trigger positive effects in your nature.
June 2, 2008 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert

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