What now?

Each human being is in a constant state of becoming. This includes you. As you come to sense ongoing changes, you may ask yourself, what are you supposed to do about it? Are you supposed to sit back and just let things happen? Would you feel better going against the grain? Would you be content somwehere in the middle? Must you really decide at all?
If you take the stance your thoughts exist, period, then you begin to see how you condition yourself to approve or criticize them. If you do nothing about your thoughts, resist reacting at all, you can stand back and observe how they flow in and out like the tide. You decide which thoughts you will grasp onto and form into beliefs or let go.
Every thought in your mind has a place. Each one is a form of energy. Some thoughts are blocked. If you repress thoughts, this doesn't mean you forget them. You simply remove them from conscious awareness until you're ready to work with them. It can be helpful to remind yourself that your thoughts belong to you but they don't define you.
People allow themselves to meander into murky realms of negative thought when they permit themselves to experience guilt. The negative imagery you see hides the root causes or underlying feelings. As you remind yourself guilt was also born as an opposite of compassion, you realize you have alternative ways of perceiving and sensing.
What you do with free will begins with how you think. You ask questions and also hold the answers. What satisfies you next may require you explore motivation differently.
Reader Comments (8)
Wonderful post. Thoughts are energy waves that hit our brain like a tidal wave and recede before we realize. If we become mindful, we allow wise intentions to manifest our thoughts and thus find peace.
And I completely agree we are not defined by our thoughts, yet so many people believe otherwise and hence are constantly limited throughout their life - that is until they are able to change their beliefs through and with their thoughts.