Act on your inner silence

Analysis on dream submitted by Maree in Melbourne, Australia.
Dream- I am in my body and then hovering above my body while it is moving. I see myself seated in a circle with siblings, my sister's spouse, and two of my deceased grandparents. I note a persian rug under our feet, my grandmother's black lace dress and shawl. I'm unsure if the deceased are seen by anyone other than me. I ask every other person present different things. Each leans forward briefly, but none offered satisfying answers. When I stepped back out from the circle, into my inner silence, my grandparents looked over at me.
Predominant Emotions- hesitation, contemplation, preparedness, spirited, trepidation
Interpretation- The universe is always testing each one of us. Since we each possess energy, we are the means by which the universe becomes aware of itself and by which we become aware of our true power. You do this through silent reflection and elimination.
You are beginning to realize why you have forgotten certain things about yourself and why the time is right to remember. The guides you need to evolve may not be physically present where you are right now, but you need not confuse solitude with solitariness.
You have consciously stepped to a new level of awareness beyond that of your immediate entourage. This is nothing to fear. You have freed yourself from the vicious circle of situations that are incompatible with your soul. Listen to that, not external disapproval.
As people bend forward, you're reminded of your eagerness to progress your way. As people return to their comfort zones, you have the option to step outside yours. Stop trying to shield yourself from what you assume is a harsh reality. Its not what you think.
Where most people are sitting, they represent your indecisive side. You sense what you want to do already. Its a matter of taking action. Courage lies within. You may have this lucid dream to encourage you to rise above excuses you create to hold you back.
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