4 Ways you get what you think about

How you perceive yourself is reflected in your physical, emotional and other conditions. You direct and determine your level of health by way of conscious beliefs. Your creative energy ensures your life will always mirror what you believe yourself to be. Go figure!?
1) Consider the issue of guilt. It may escalate to become physically manifested as illness. This is meant to enable you to face and dissolve your sense of guilt, not prolong it. Yet, if you refuse to face guilt one way, it will manifest itself differently until you do.
2) Consider humans who die young. This sometimes relates to the fact they view old age as undesirable or shameful, and only consciously accept youth, illusions of beauty and dwindling energy. Your beliefs about age will affect and emerge in your physical body.
3) Consider your views on aging. If you anticipate going deaf, you become hard of hearing as you age. If you expect your eyesight to deteriorate from strain, it does. Such physiological changes shouldn't surprise you. Every bodily cell listens to your beliefs.
4) Consider your beliefs generate emotions. You will not understand your emotions until you isolate the underlying beliefs that cause them. Anger isn't always negative and love isn't necessarily always positive. The underlying motive to generate each feeling can contradict the feeling itself and infuse harmful energy you don't want. Reverse the trend.
Whenever you assume your conscious mind no longer directs your thoughts, you may wrongfully assume you are powerless in the face of external situations. The free flow of your emotions will always lead you back to your beliefs. Raising awareness of them will put you in touch with your sense of balance and empower you to heal those imbalances.
Reader Comments (8)
And I know also from people around me how much guilt and resisting ageing for example hurt us and the toll they take on our bodies.
Changing our thoughts and welcoming awareness into the present moment can do wonders for our mind and body as our beliefs are very powerful and can make us or brake us!