3 Ways healing crystals help alleviate everyday ailments

Who doesn't dream of more effective ways to manage everyday ailments? You may have found over-the-counter products to be less than helpful. You may wonder if a prescription exists for your ailment or discomfort. Maybe your energy needs a boost? If you dream of reducing stress and increasing well-being, healing crystals offer options:
1) They offer a variety of vibrations. Each person is at a phase of spiritual growth and self-awareness. Your attitudes and emotions influence your energy field and the nature of your particular imbalance. Different crystal vibes attune to different body types.
2) They help balance your chakras. Each crystal has a distinct colour and radiates healing energy. Chakras describe the lineage points between your aura and your physical body. Chakras are also associated with separate colors. Place crystals of the right color and vibration on a chakra, and you harmonize energies and promote greater well-being.
3) They compliment other healing treatment. Crystals have been known to stimulate the immune system, to help release tension, headaches, pain, insomnia, emotional blocks and other ailments. Yet, they aren't your only option. Qualified crystal healers and other health practitioners offer valuable guidance to empower you to heal yourself.
Reader Comments (4)
Thanks, Robin
As for book recommendations, it depends on your purpose or intention. If you're interested in a quick alternative health reference, Crystal Prescriptions (2005) by Judy Hall is a basic look at how crystals can help heal ailments. (The subtitle is the A-Z guide to over 1,200 symptoms and their healing crystals). She has also published the Encylopedia of Crystals (2007). If you have more of a geological or mixed interest, then The Book of Stones by Robert Simmons and Naisha Ahsian explains the physical and metaphysical properties of crystals. The Love is in the Earth series by Melody are widely considered the ultimate reference for metaphysical use. Check Amazon.com and your local library.
I also know so well what you mean when you say, "If we listen to our soul, we come full circle and arrive where we need to be."
When this happens for me there is such a feeling of familiarity and "going home."