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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Hang what out to dry?

Analysis of dream submitted by K. of Sydney, Australia.

Dream- I dreamed my long, left hand fingernails were being polished with red tomatoes. The experience evoked my astonishment and slight discomfort.  I awoke with my left hand hanging out the side of my bed and I heard myself say, "I need to hang my nails out to dry." Curiously, my fingernails were natural and untouched by polish of any sort.

Predomiant Emotions- confusion, surprise, hyper-sensitivity, disbelief, and intrigue.

Interpretation- Uplifting emotions (i.e., relief or joy), may trigger pleasant memories or visions. Yet, your sense of the future induces impatience. This suggests you postpone some envisaged experience in hopes that 'stretching things out' will bring self-growth.

Less upbeat reactions (i.e., disgust or fear), may trigger unpleasant events and induce the illusion of anxiety. This draws attention to your sense of self in the time-space continuum. You seem to prefer to perform painful actions earlier than pleasurable ones.

When it comes to expressing how you really feel, do you believe you come across, "hard as nails?" You may just be selective about to whom you reveal you true emotional colors. Fingers gently remind you you're attuned to your sensuality. Yet, blood-redness also drips to slowly unveil unconditional self-love or a sexual passion you sense within. For whom?

Tomatoes suggest you are health-conscious and willing to 'go to certain lengths' to take care of yourself. You're in the process of polishing your self-image and re-defining that to which you aspire. You sense to achieve balance, health and well-being isn't all glamour.

'Left' may stir feelings of rejection, awkwardness or 'not fitting in.' Do you fear or doubt your abilities? What of potential? You may simply have left your old self behind.  You're prepared to let go of the past and move ahead differently. Go ahead, abandon old, out-dated beliefs and self-views. Hang them out-to-dry. They'll evaporate like magic-poof!

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