Why am I falling and expanding?

Analysis on dream submitted by Anonymous in Hobart, Tasmania, Australia.
Dream- It was weird. I was falling into this dark hole and yet, had the sense that I was swelling up like a balloon. I wasn't sure where I was headed or why. Was it good for me?
Predominant Emotions- fear, anxiety, doubt, surprise, anticipation, and courage.
Interpretation- The physical interpretation of largeness or swelling up actually reveals an increasing psychic ability and unconscious acknowledgement of this kind of self-growth. The sensation of falling is a classic physical interpretation of your consciousness returning to your physical body after temporary separation. You turn away from what you want. Apply the lessons you have learned to deepen your conscious awareness.
When each of us is awake, we experience similar states of unconscious growth, but the ego often purposely conceals them from conscious experience. Intuitively, you realize you aren't keeping tabs on everything you learn or the implications on your multi-dimensional existence. Experience is not always understood in time as humans know it.
You are gradually gaining insight about the answers inside yourself. This is where you discover real love, unconditional support, strength, and security. You are also learning that seeking what you think you want from the outside world is part of the process of growing up. The more you turn inside for what you sense you need, the more happiness and fulfillment you will experience. When you're ready, rise above the self-created fear.
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