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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Discern love as the ultimate goal

Many people go through phases where they change their minds about goals.  Maybe you outgrow some of your previous plans.  Maybe an invisible light bulb goes off in your head.  Whatever the reason, you feel diverted to a more suitable direction and ease into it.  

You may reflect on what has happened in your life and instinctively choose to take the world by surprise.  You may slowly work to change a low opinion of yourself.  In your own way, you are already sparking your own chain reaction.  You may ask yourself whether you're ready.  You need only reconnect with your authentic self to be true to your goals.

No matter how you appear or portray yourself on the surface, on the inside, you always sense the truth.  If your harbour thoughts or perpetuate behavior that deviates from pure love, then you experience discomfort.  Your feelings and sensations are clues about whether you approach or distance yourself from what feels right.  Did you forget again?

Huge numbers of people echo negative thoughts and feelings in their heads.  You may feel guilty, inferior, discouraged, defeated, afraid.  Each negative thought you create and buy into pushes you further away from reconnecting with your spiritual core.  To pick yourself apart on the surface is to ignore the powerful spiritual being you are. 

As you learn to step back, you gradually see that you are not trapped in a reality controlled and exploited by other people.  This is just an imaginative merry-go-round.  You can get off any time you choose.  The more stress you feel under, the more apt you are to perpetuate a false sense of inadequacy, or to find outlets for grief and judgment. 

Reassure yourself.  You discern precisely what exists, but you have been conditioned to deny it.  Love is the ultimate goal.  It surpasses any temporary feeling, acquisition, relationship or apparent possession.  Anything you think you understand is only a phase in a process.  Self-centredness is dissolving as you deepen your spiritual awakening.  Interactions set patterns.  As you gain insight into different points of view, you realize you have more than one purpose.  They evolve with you.  Discern love is what you are.


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Reader Comments (4)

"Anything you think you understand is only a phase in a process. "--- very true. useful again, thanks Liara.
February 28, 2008 | Unregistered Commentermergingpoint
Hello Liara.
Love is a wonderful goal, and maybe the ultimate goal. You give a wonderful description of change and I really like the image of the invisible light bulb.

There will be moments when you are full of love and feel untouched by any evil influence. While you meditate, you may see the shadow of God and feel part of him. After years of your life journey, you may sense you haven't changed but still feel in the shadow of God. We can start to explore what we are on a new level.
February 28, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterrainer
Hi mergingpoint.
To reflect back on aspects of our life enables us to see details in a different light. We are always growing, bringing some chapters to conclusion and also starting new ones. Throughout this process, to express love to others is a way to help others feel more fulfilled as it also helps us feel fulfilled. Shows how we are all very closely connected.
February 28, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterLiara Covert
Hi rainer.
We are each on a journey. Our sense of the passage of time matters less than our sense meaningful experience and overall personal growth. We will get exactly the relationships we desire deep down, with Higher Forces and human beings. Its a matter of choice.
February 28, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterLiara Covert

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