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Insight of the Moment

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Unusual is a state of mind

Analysis of the dream submitted by Anonymous

Dream-  I approached a payment window at an unusual post office. It reminded me of a bank because of the transparent, bullet-proof glass that separated me from the clerk.  I asked the price for 12 stamps and was told $89.50.  My own mental calculations told me it should be $8.95.  I felt the cleark was incorrect yet, the clerk assured me there was no error.  I opted to buy 2 stamps which came out to an equally inconsistent price.   The clerk appeared to me as the mad hatter from Alice in Wonderland. I took my stamps and rejoined my husband who had been waiting nearby.  He felt there was nothing usual.

Predominent Traits & Emotions- diligence, determination, patience, and thoroughness

Interpretation- Motivations urge you to act.  They take visible and invisible forms in dreams and in waking life.  Four levels of motivation include your drive, which cause you to visit certain types of places, your desires, which often reflect some unrealized ambition, your expectations or conditioned standards and ideas or goals, which are related to deliberate internal or external influence.

Something is owing or outstanding.  Part of you feels you owe your true self less attention while other parts of you believe your self-worth is suffering.  Remind yourself the amount of money you make does not define you.  You are more honest about your ideals during lucid dreams. That is, your expectations exert more prominent influence because behaviour is more often conditioned rather than conscious and deliberate.

Consider the order in which you do things in your dream as well as what is symbolized by your behaviour and the behaviour of others present.  Character traits deepen the insight you have into yourself. 

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Reader Comments (2)

Only wise in your writings. You have a gift for enlightenment.

Merry Christmas!
December 26, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterlance gargus
Lance, the innate difference we each experience relate to our programmed sensitivities and how well we evolve to decipher them. Anything is possible when you believe.
December 26, 2008 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert

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