Ram Dass & 5 ideas to access your authentic self

Ram Dass is the co-founder and advisory board member of the Seva Foundation ("seva" means spiritual service in Sanskrit). This entity supports international service programs.
His writing is perhaps best known for the book, Be Here Now. More than forty years since its first publication, it still stands as a highly-accessible Western view of Eastern philosophy. It encourages humans to evolve attune to infinite joyin the present moment. In the self-development genre, this book remains a key reference forspiritual seekers.
Ram Dasshas long been fascinated with the soul journey. Even since his near-fatal stroke back in 1997, the after-effects have not prevented him from continuing to explore consciousness. Although paralyzed and suffering from expressive aphasia (limiting his ability to speak), he continues his healing path and also inspires people withhis writing.
Among Ram Dass' essays, he effectively shares his personal experience of rediscovering God and soul. Each individual is evolving to reconnect with true nature. Its a very subjective thing. Consider these five ideas to reach deeper into your authentic self;
1) Realize your soul history and core identity have no start and no end.
2)Accept awareness defies words; you are everything/ nothing, nowhere/ everywhere.
3) Explore your notions of separation, alienation, detachment in relation to suffering.
4) Overcome the mind's conditioned mindsets and attachment sin the physical world.
5) Reclaim your universal connection to undifferentiated awareness.
Reader Comments (6)
Thanks for this list to go deeper within. Any one of them would be sufficient as a practice to access the truth of who we are. I particularly like the paradoxical nature of the second one. It is a contemplation that takes us directly to the source.
Liara,may the light of the love and joy of the holiday season bring you soft peace!
Ram Dass is a fine example of a limitless Soul. Although he has a physical impairment, he is still able to cast the line of spirit through communication. It's interesting how sometimes life has to knock us back to make us realize what we are.
I always enjoy these small reminders from time to time as I find they help to ground me back to my spirit. In our world, I find that as conscious as I am, I only need to step outside of my house to be enveloped by the addiction to the physical world. Consciousness keeps me grounded and prevents me from falling back into that whirlwind, and thus I love coming back to messages like these because they act as a sort of affirmation to what really is.