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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Why chronicle happenings?

Human beings have a widespread urge to chronicle or follow what is going on, what has gone on, and what they believe will yet unfold. Have you ever asked yourself where this urge comes from in yourself? It is common to keep informed about situations even when you are not physically-present. What is it with your insatiable desire to know?

Take the radio, television, internet or print media. How often do you follow someone else's version of news?  Information is constantly dispensed by those who define it to those they believe should receive.  Who says you need it? You attract what you think.

Many people awaken to the news, listen to it during breaks, and even finish the day with it during the commute home from work. You are consciously or unconsciously drinking in happenings. Why is it necessary to receive them from sources who think they define you should know? Part of you says, 'how do they know?' The other part watches or tunes out.

In another way, consider the legacy you are leaving. You may have documented much of your life in photos, , newspaper clippings, scrapbook materials and memorabilia. If you have not done this for yourself, your children or someone you admire, then somebody likely has. They may decide what they view as happenings in your life. Do you dream it all?

All of this invites you to step back and reflect on your choices. Raise your awareness about the thoughts you transmit and receive. At this moment, the wavelength you are on is what you view as a happening.  You believe it merits your attention. You can follow your life or lives of others. You chronicle or dream them, and sometimes even live them.

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