What does boredom really mean?

People will say they are bored because they have nothing to do. They may be unaware of their options or, ignorant of what remains to be done. Young people will say such a thing during school vacation. Adults will say this at times when tasks are not assigned to them. Underneath restlessness is a lack of motivation.
Each person is responsible for motivating himself and for making personal choices. Reflect on situations when you have felt bored. How do you read internal signals now? If you wanted to be somewhere other than where you are, then why prevent yourself from doing so? Feelings explain where you are and where you are not.
Your sense of the future is determined by how you used to think and by what you think now. Whatever future unfolds is not a punishment inflicted from outside yourself. However, it may result from lack of effort. If you allow any emotions to interfere, then you permit fear of the unknown to materialize.
Boredom means you are selectively aware of your actions, choices and their implications. At any given moment, as you become aware of experiences that are open to you, this does not mean you consciously decide to act and develop. Inaction is not the same as action. Each choice has consequences. Each choice affects your personality, confidence and awareness.
Everything you see or do not choose to see, do or do not do, contributes to your soul growth. To express boredom is to deny your dreams and to ignore your untapped potential. To evolve is to be open to change. Every thought and feeling you create shapes how your life has unfolded and will unfold. What is next for you? Are you bored? Will you grow to transcend it?
Reader Comments (8)
This is a wonderful reminder, Liara, of the ability we all have to achieve our dreams! Thank you!
This is a stirring reminder.
The urgency of now, is something we often forget... Life is real and alive... awaiting us to unwrap its gifts and enjoy!
Love and light to you my friend,