Why does anybody suffer?

The physical world is full of examples of suffering. You see images of destruction, poverty, visible ailments of the body, and other conditions that evoke discomfort. On some level, you are invited to identify in your life. Why do you sense you experience, pain, illness, frustration, crisis? This is all part of your evolution. Human beings gradually realize they accept a degree of suffering for a purpose.
You do not grow unless you choose different experiences that provide you with lessons to learn. Some people believe that this learning curve is the fundamental purpose for being. If you do not gain a sense of what you do not want to feel, then you are unable or unwilling to sense the opposite.
Part of your evolution includes moving beyond mechanical reflex reactions you expect to feel. From childhood, you learn by example. You watch, listen and learn. Your assumptions emerge from conditioning by your human senses. You absorb more than you realize. This physical life offers opportunities to retrain the mind.
For example, as you trip and fall, your subconscious expects an impact, expects some feeling of pain. You may think you will skin your knee or worse. Then, that is what happens. If you touch fire, then you expect to be burnt. That happens too, even when you do not consciously do this on purpose. If you do a belly flop rather than a proper dive into water, you expect a painful result and, splat! You get it.
Sometimes watching someone experience pain is enough to keep you from doing the same thing. Yet, your unconscious decides to experience suffering to create your own reference. What happens in your soul shapes you. Nothing changes personal responsibility. You suffer by choice to learn. When you decide you are in control of your lessons and how you perceive them, your view changes.
The physical body is a means by which the soul expresses itself on Earth. You elicit constant reactions to people, events and conditions. You either like things or you do not. You either appreciate what happens or you do not. You either accept your role in your current conditions or you do not. Every decision has consequences. This is the universal law of cause and effect. You get how it works.
You do not always realize the soul affects your body and vice versa. You soul knows your needs even if parts of you feel lost and ignorant. This restlessness is only temporary. You decide when each lesson will end. Each one is different.
Reader Comments (4)
This is another very profound post. I used to wonder why I was supposed to suffer so much--I really did. I wondered why I had the father I did, the childhood experiences I had--and why my life was filled with so much pain. It has taken me a very long time to realize that we all experience pain, albeit in differing amounts. If not for pain and suffering, we would not appreciate the love and beauty that exists. It is a balance after all, as is all of life. I really love your writing.
I think suffering is a state of mind. There are people in dire predicaments who don't think that they are suffering. They have transcended what we think constitutes suffering. They tap into their Soul and they are free of the world of matter.