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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Rethink the law of attraction

Have you ever wondered why the majority of species have a male competing for the attention of the female, whereas human beings have evolved to create the opposite scenario? Why do male birds tend to have more vibrant plumage? Why do ferocious males strutt their stuff, play romantic Romeo or, fight it out for their female of choice? Why do some species mate for life and others, like a penguin, long enough to mate for a year before moving on to find a new partner? Relationships are anything but fickle.

Somewhere along the line, a human woman turned to make-up and other strategies to get the attention of her counterpart male.   Vanity, inadequacy and insecurity changed everything.  So much for an even playing field.  Then again, whatever happened to equality of among genders? Some people wonder if that is a myth.

At some point in human history, it is conceivable that men competed for women’s attention.  Well then, what happened? One theory is that with many wars and conflict, there may have been fewer available men for women of child-bearing age. They redefined, 'survival of the fittest.' In some societies, more women are born and polygamy becomes an option.  In other communities, more available men mean women have wider choices.  Energy vibrates and the law of attraction never falters.

If you had your choice, which gender or species would you be and why? How would you rethink the law of attraction when seeking a mate? What does the law of attraction mean to you in your own relationships? The timeless Hermaphrodite form is always an option.

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Reader Comments (2)

Hi Liara,
I think men and women compete - but differently. I have seen women who compete with other women to get men while men lay back and let them. Men compete with their wallets.

In the bird species, the female alpine accentor sings to attract males, because for her it is an advantage to mate with as many males as possible - each one will then help in caring for her young.

The red-winged blackbird female sings two distinct song types throughout the breeding season. Song A is a form of communication directed at her partner. She sings Song B when other females appear as an aggressive signal.

I prefer to be pursued as opposed to the pursuer. Nothing like a little romance. :D
October 31, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAlexys Fairfield
Alexys, your astute observation recognizes that exceptions can be found for every rule. Some creatures prefer not to conform to trends in their species. In life, if you discern something or someone of interest, it makes sense to go with your gut. This could mean evolving into a role you would not traditionally play. Whatever feels right, do it.
October 31, 2008 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert

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