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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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What about the instruction manual?

Remember what it felt like when you were dreaming about something special and then, you finally got it? You got so excited that you started using it before you decided to read the instructions.  What happened after that might not have made you feel so good.  Maybe you broke it.  Maybe you fudged something.  Maybe you're not sure exactly what you did.  Maybe you felt guilty? angry? stupid? disbelief? Maybe instructions were nowhere to be found or, the words that were didn't help you to solve your latest problem.  What to do? Where to turn?

I've known people to be over-enthusiastic about examples of technology, and then found themselves motivated to do new kinds of learning very fast. Sometimes  we behave in ways that lead us to get ahead of ourselves.  Then, we realize its meaningful  to take a few steps backward.  Events in life will unfold in ways that invite us to slow down and learn to become more aware of what we're doing, the how and why.  If we come to think we know everything, then we're humbled. As we're made of energy, and becoming consumed by emotions builds up our momentum, its easy to get wrapped up in external things and forget we're disconnected from ourselves.

Some people believe life must come with some kind of instruction manual.  You know, a book that's written in a language you understand, that's accessible when you need it, that contains all the answers you could ever need, to help you step-by-step along your journey.  Of course, this vision is somewhat unrealistic.  Each of us exists for the purpose of learning at our own pace in our own time.  We're meant to learn to expect the unexpected, to "roll with the punches," to learn that events will unfold as an opportunity to bring out the best in us.

When it comes to assumptions about instructions, some people believe they need them.  Other people believe they don't.  Some people believe they could benefit from guidance along their journey.  Other people prefer to do everything alone.  Our perception of and reactions to challenges will not always be visible from outside.  The truth of learning is felt. We don't need words to re-align our souls.

Ultimately, we all go through phases where feelings run our lives, by choice, and feelings don't come with an instruction book.  This is an ongoing exercise that permits us to become more aware of "what makes us tick," of what makes us who we are.  Just because something doesn't go the way we hope or expect, doesn't mean we're defective or inadequate.  Its an opportunity to learn more about our potential.

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Reader Comments (1)

Very insightful! I really appreciated the "We don't need words to re-align our souls."
Very true. Thanks for the reminder!
January 27, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterBetsy

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