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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Further your soul growth wherever you are

We all exist to learn and share whatever abilities we have. No matter what work you choose, no matter what you do now, or what you dream of doing differently, work has value for what it is, and because of what you can learn at each step of the way.

Each of us has gifts. Some people have the ability to heal. Some people truly have a knack for raising awareness in others. Some people are inspiring public speakers. Other people are very effective doing what they do best in the background. Even people who sense no specific direction already recognize their basic gift of humility.

The time may arrive when you sense you've lost focus and seek new sources of meaning in work.  Come what may, its always desirable to apply talents you have.  You can also set out to uncover or develop new skills.  Each person is shaken out of comfort zones sometime. Such an experience can seem dis-orienting, even scary yet, doesn't have to be.  Move beyond society's view of what's most important. 

No matter what happens, you're in the midst of opportunities to grow.  Still, loads of people express unhappiness about work.  You may know people who sense their job is "beneath them" or they feel like "a square peg in a round hole."  You may feel stuck or forced to associate with co-workers you dislike or distrust.  You may do your job mechanically because it pays bills, feels safe and represents security. 

Do yourself a favor.  Recognize you have lots to learn. This year, take initiatives to move beyond your own emotional distractions.  Re-think where you are in your job or career and why.  Consider where you have opportunities to listen more attentively, to give more of yourself, to show compassion, to impact lives for the better. Discover there's more to life than seeking approval and temporary gratification.    

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