What are you really asking for?

Only misperception stands in the way of creating true wealth. What are you really asking for? How you envision what you already have begins as a mindset that you create. Everything and nothing aren't the same thing. Does your sense of wealth hover in-between? What you perceive is prone to changing interpretation. How you perceive things is based on awareness. Consciousness is inherently judgemental.
If you think you have to make or earn things, realize your impulse arises out of a sense of lack or need. Where does this idea come from? Your head! Any attempt to fill a perceived lack is to ignore emptiness may seem to grow rather than shrink as the result of your efforts. Choices to doubt you have enough or fears you'll run out, invite trouble. Your intrinsic worth is beyond perception. Its value isn't created.
Wealth is the product of a process that is dependent on perception. As you judge the wealth of others, you will find it difficult not to judge your own. If you resist judging the wealth of others, you'll be less likely to compare what you have or don't have. Judgement involves rejection of who and what you are as well as anything that you perceive to have. Suspend judgement and accept you create wealth now.
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