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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Seek to unveil the truth about yourself

One approach people take to strengthen a sense of well-being is to embark on a journey of dream analysis and interpretation.  To learn how to self-examine honestly enables you to work through whatever holds you back.

Only the past tends to be retained in memory as you perceive it in waking life.  All of your associations in dreams are formed to somehow keep your past alive and the present on the back burner.  You can discover that this may not be what you truly want.

To work with someone skilled in dream analysis is a means to empower yourself to learn to interpret your own dreams.  What kinds of information would you like to get out of them? How do you seek to change your life? Dreams hold clues that you can tap into anytime you choose. 

Rather than say you don't understand what dreams are for, decide you will figure out what made them what they were.  They will surprise you with the details they contain about the real you.  Decide you will expand and strengthen your conscious memory. Explore a world that exceeds the memory your perception chooses to see. Find out what you've been missing and why.

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