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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Learn to see it for yourself

You may know people who don't like the idea of feeling sick.  They don't like the idea of staying home from work, losing their appetite, losing their lunch or, being laid up in bed.  They don't like it so much that they can't keep from complaining about it. 

To feel prevented from doing what you desire to do deep down inside could cause you to feel discomfort as well.  Yet, how often do you notice internal imbalance?  Many of us could become more attuned to the signs of our physical bodies.  

Part of you may not wish to accept that any kind of change or healing is necessary.  You may like to believe that all is well, that there's nothing wrong with you, that you can go on as you always have.  Yet, what if its not possible for you to recognize a problem with yourself unless something seems out of whack?  What if your body is reacting strangely to get your attention?  How are you bending to raise awareness?

Your eye would not sense a problem if its underlying vision is obscured.  Ask yourself what is it that you find so unbearable to see or accept?  From what do you choose to turn a blind eye?  You may be waiting until you sense the time is right.  Yet, real perception doesn't depend on time.  It simply depends on you.  Recognition is required before you can begin to accept anything.  Learn to see it for yourself.

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