Life is more meaningful than you think

These reflections are shared in the hopes you will realize that this life offers far more hidden meaning than you may initially think. Whether you choose to react, evolve or change is up to you. Everything about your life is in your mind.
1) You're deprived from nothing and prevented from nothing, except by your own decisions. That is, your willingness to choose or not choose, to give up or take action, starts and ends inside.
2) Your mind will release you from qualms or anguish from the moment you choose to change it. That is, your emotions are choices that motivate your decisions.
3) You see only results of the past unless you nurture ideas unrelated to previous experiences. That is, you assume based on your view of time, which is itself an assumption.
Reader Comments (2)
It is so interesting for me to read your posts. Sometimes I read the words and don't quite understand. Yet, it feels like I should.
Don't get me wrong. Your writing is good. I just don't understand everything. Still, I am very interested and keep coming back. From what you say, I realize what a beautiful view of the world you have. :) I'll be back! I really appreciate you.
Each of us is in the process of awakening at our own pace. You understand things your way, based on your own experience. You lead yourself into new territory.
When you read anything, you get out of it exactly what you're ready and willing to get out of it. There are no right or wrong answers. More than one way exists to perceive and interpret. The fact that desire to think and learn enriches your life.