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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Think up your existence

Human beings never really see the whole story of their lives as its unfolding.  Situations you initially judge as tragic or disappointing may reveal a completely different perspective that you missed.  How would your mindset affect all that?  Quite honestly, it is the pivotal part that shapes everything.  You actually devise or think up your existence.  Can you see through illusion?

If you decide your thinking process will limit your experience, it will, that is, unless it doesn't.  How you draw from your mind is what you will perceive and express.  You are exactly what you think.  You are the level of awareness which is experienced.  You've already done the choosing.  Everything you desire to do, be and have will unfold right before your eyes.  Just concentrate.

Its said that the highest level of pleasure you will experience would be an offshoot of creating who you really are.  Thinking positively will help convince you that you can create such an experience.  You can tap into those resources which will enable you to see clearly.  Choosing options of lower levels of pleasure enables you to forget why you're alive and what you were really born to do. Yet, learning to recognize what you aren't enables you to see what you are.  Condition yourself to sense the positive.

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