To believe or not to believe

The idea of believing in guardian angels is reassuring in the midst of life's unfolding events. It can be so tempting to give into reasons for discouragement and despair, to permit negative feelings to control your mind. Yet, its not necessary. More and more people are realizing another way. This is how each person can positively change the world, one person and one step at a time.
A Fox News poll has determined more than nine in 10 Americans (91%) believe in God and almost as many believe in heaven (87%). In addition, 84% say they believe in miracles and 79% in angels. This high percentage reflects a general hopefulness about positive things that aren't very easily explained. Why would people prefer to believe in positive unknowns rather than negative unknowns? Increasing numbers of people are learning the power of attraction to invite and intend what may appear to be Divine intervention. To behave as if positive events unfold can bring them.
In terms of the dark side, about three-quarters of Americans (74%) say they believe in hell and two-thirds in the devil (67 %). At the same time, the above figures reveal that more people choose to believe in having friends in Higher places. If people believe in both positive and negative myths or ideas, then the positive seems to become more of a pre-occupation. Would you consider this to be a symptom of a trend in increasing faith in spirituality? Does this touch on the popular Secret?
How can you choose not to believe in angels? What reasons would you have to believe or not to believe in things you cannot see?
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