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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Explain the inexplicable

Do you dream of clarifying the inexplicable? Cat got your tongue? Those words you desire simply escape you?  How easy it is to misinterpret the behavior of a character and assume that he is reliable when it turns out he isn't.  By reading more into gestures, method, and possible motives, the miracle of understanding arises.  This may come after a character has pulled a stunt you find inconceivable.  A chance remark by a complete stranger may draw your attention to things you missed. 

To focus on the inexplicable is an invitation to re-examine your disbelief.  People we care about make mistakes, but its not necessarily in our nature to focus on weaknesses or problems.  The same can be said for fictional characters we identify with and appreciate in some way.  Its disagreeable to stop liking them simply because of something they do that rubs us the wrong way.  Why not then chalk it up to experience as a way to explain the inexplicable. 

As you learn to open your mind, you realize that what you thought made no sense was based on a lack of information or a hesitation to believe the truth.  You always believe what you choose to believe.  You close your mind off because you refuse to be open to something new, something you didn't know before.  As you read, you discover the unexpected is actually to be expected.  If you're honest with yourself, you will begin to see your life in a similar way.  Change will happen, whether you accept it and choose to get something positive out of it is completely up to you.

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Reader Comments (2)

What do you do when nothing seems inexplicable? When even those events which can't be readily explained seem to still have a valid explanation for them. You just allow your curiosity to fuel the effort required to find it.

And is there a point at which you stop? Can you reach a point where you stop questioning your explanations because they seem to repeatedly prove valid? Or is this a recipe for arrogant closed-mindedness?
July 13, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterMark
Some people offer an explanation for everything. These people refuse to accept mysteries exist or, could be accepted as valid. Questions tend to invite an answer. Then again, there are those people who are convinced everything isn't meant to be explained and they're content not to even try.

Certain people will spend their entire lives exerting efforts to solve perceived mysteries. It may come down to what it takes to satisfy your own curiosity. If your mind is insatiable, then you may always have questions to answer, yet you may never be satisfied. This could be seen as a good thing, for you will always find motivation to learn and grow.
July 13, 2007 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert

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