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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Give in to yourself

Some people would say that to be alive at all means you're successful.  Do you dream of more? Consider babies who struggle to get a stable hold on their existence.  That's no mean feat! Consider people who manage to sort through physical and mental trials.  Consider who miraculously survives terrible accidents and proves 'mind-over-matter' works.  How do you build that kind of mindset? 

Your chances of success are more likely to grow if you're surrounded by capable people who will help you better understand and overcome your perceived obstacles.  This doesn't mean these people will fight your battles.  Much is up to you.  It seems logical, providing the time is right to grow. You decide that too.    

You can also work on your own and have faith in the trial and error system some of us call life.  How many people do you know who hold a map of concise rules or directions for their lifetime?   Each of us is the creator of our own recipes of success. What will it require for you? You may believe that the best is yet to come. That's fine too, so long as you also learn to see that success comes in many shapes and packages, from the simple and basic to the complex and out-of-reach.

The next step for you will be to recognize that you are the master of your destiny. The winding paths you choose will give you opportunities to expand your horizons and change, but only if you feel ready.  If you desire to move forward, you need to know first yourself what this means.  It is about time to take a closer look at how you perceive yourself or what feelings you seek at all.    

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