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Dream job gone sour?

Each of us has a dream job, you know, the vision of where you do what you enjoy, feel challenged, get paid well, and get along with all your colleagues, staff and superiors.  In a way, this may sound like an ideal that you've never experienced.  Yet, for other people, its something that seems to materialize and then, slips through their fingers.  If you had a job you liked, and then it went sour, its useful to understand why so the same thing doesn't happen again. 

1) Have you outgrown your circumstances?  You may be learning and growing faster than your peers.  When you get to where you no longer feel challenged or stimulated by your work, then what used to appear your dream job can turn into an undesireable way to spend your time.  Remind yourself that how you perceive yourself and your life begins with you.  If you determine you're no longer happy where you are, only you can make the decision to do things differently ofr find a place where you'll be happier.

2) Is there a personality clash?  A workplace can be agreeable or disagreeable based on your co-workers.  When you get along well, things can seem to go great.  Yet, politics may enter the picture.  If so, feeling like you have to look constantly over your shoulder or, wondering who may be saying what behind your back isn't pleasant. Tolerance may only go so far. What alternate courses of action have you considered?

3) Have you forgotten what drew you?  People choose jobs because of different reasons.  Something about a dream job usually motivates you at the core.  Have you forgotten why you chose what you do? When might you have become disconnected from your passions.  To rekindle the reasons for your choices may be well within your grasp.  Reach inside and re-energize.  Consider what you would need to do to get the good feelings back.

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