Know thyself

The same words as those in the title are inscribed above the entrance to the temple of Apollo at Delphi, the site of the sacred Oracle in Greece. You may be unaware that in ancient Greece, people waited as long as it took to be given the chance to consult the Oracle. This was a person who provided clues to destiny and offered ideas of a course of action one could take to possibly reach destinations faster.
Funny thing is, even in modern times, the best clues you can get a hold of to guide the evolution of your life come from within not from something outside yourself. Some people interpret "within" as one's conscience or inner voice. Other people believe they communicate with angels who help them find their true path, or get back on it if they stray. Do you hear them?
Unconscious people are blind to their traits, their strengths and weaknesses. These people may be trapped within limited perception throughout their entire life. They don't learn of the joy they would experience as the result of accepting who they are and applying their potential. Don't let yourself miss out. You have the choice about whether to continue or not. Choose progress.
Getting-to know who you are means going further than understanding from whom you adopt your beliefs or why you condition certain perspectives of the mind. You need to reach beyond that to explore the senses you know and don't know. This is part of your process of illumination. Uncover those dreams you forgot. They eagerly await your attention.
How you react to people, situations and everything around you is the best gauge of how well you know yourself. How open-minded are you about venturing into uncertainty? As you discover sources of doubt and fear, you find opportunities to test your wisdom and courage. How would you feel to know you are never alone? Knowing yourself is also reassuring. You're already well on your way.
Reader Comments (4)
Your insight certainly resonates with my experience. It implies a very deep and potentially rewarding journey.
To become accurately aware of inner voices is also to realize that forgiveness is the key to happiness. As we listen to voices of encouragement, we will learn to release feelings of discomfort and negativity. Since everyone makes mistakes, part of the healing process is to sense a kind of Divine light within ourselves and others. What you choose to learn and share with angels defines the nature of your journey.
Reality in this world is that people seldom attain the perfect life. WHY ? Humans tend to take the easy route and live a mundane life. Rarely, do people want to sacrifice temporal pleasures eaily available. If you believe life could be miserable, why take the harder path?
Thanks for sharing your views. Human beings have infinite choices. This gives them freedom to learn about the physical world. It also gives them the freedom to redefine priorities. What you assume is difficult will change from the moment you realize you create your own illusions. It is the process of learning why you evoke particular emotions or choose not to react, that enables you to transcend ego and approach enlightenment.