Accomplish without effort

As you learn to exert energy in directions where you experience the least resistence, then you realize how easy it can be to live in meaningful ways. Have you discovered your intrinsic nature? This is the way to manifest your dreams in ways that they materialize all around you. You may have heard the phrase, "less is more" or "do less and accomplish more." This suggests that its not how hard you work or how productive you are that matters, as much as how comfortable you feel doing what you do. Do you struggle or is your life relatively effortless?
If you look around you, the creatures which are the most happy evolve based on their instincts. Flowers don't fly like birds because their nature is to grow and blossom. Fish don't run on land like foxes because their role is to swim. As each creature grows up to follow its intuition, it concentrates on making what it does better. These creatures, like you, can experience harmony.
As for people, each individual discovers where less effort means more through experiencing love. As you discover a passion in something, you no longer feel as though you're working because what you do becomes pleasurable. You look forward to it. You enjoy the present moment. You're 'in your element.' You can enjoy what you do where you are without a sense of chasing an illusion that always gets away. To feel good about yourself is not a way to waste energy, but to direct it wisely.
Whenever you decisions are motivated by love and oriented in directions that nurture love, you become more motivated and energetic because what you share comes back to you in multiples. This is a way to improve yourself because you're slowly erasing negative feelings and motives in order to focus on what truly matters. Rechannel your energy in love and you can also discover you can shape your life in positive, unexpected ways.
Once you accept what should be happening in your life, and you commit fully to this thing, you're listening to your energy and intuition, which isn't expending lots of energy. In fact, you're learning a new way to relax. You grasp that improving who you are is grounded in understanding who you were, and in understanding that person is no longer. You can hope for your life to change while you also learn to accept and take responsibility for what you are and why.
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