Reshape your comfort zone

What is it about people telling you, your dream niche is out there!? How many people do you know who regularly stop what their doing just long enough to reframe things? Maybe far fewer than could benefit from such a process. If reviewing your life, validating it, and finding reasons for self respect are part of your past, what may have changed all that? The opposite feelings. If you feel locked inside an unchanging reality or, crave new sources of stimulation, consider these ideas:
1) Rekindle your childhood or adolescence. When you were younger, you spoke about things ou hoped to do. You may have written a diary or journal. Refer back to your writing and possibly also friends from this point of your life. Jog your memory and jumpstart your soul journey.
2) Step back from your latest routine. If you don't have a particular project in mind to tackle just yet, it would be useful to integrate change into regular routines. Take time to brainstorm and test out new things. Attend a local club meeting as a guest or a trial with no obligations. Feeling the waters implies a willingness to admit what you do now is no longer working. Your options branch from there.
3) Bridge the gap.Your next venture or creative pursuit can bridge your personal and professional interests if this appeals to you. You could initiate a group undertaking at the office after hours or find a common interest among friends and launch a shared venture.
4) Think and live outside-the-box. What society tells you makes sense won't necessarily be the same thing that makes sense to you. Its okay to make choices that are uncommon or don't seem to jive with the status quo. There's no reason you can't combine seemingingly incompatible roles or pursuits. After all, you're the only person who really defines what's right for you as you are at this moment.
5) Retire dead-end chapters. We all have them: periods of our lives which cease to appeal or motivate us. We may outgrow activities, relationships, goals and feel reluctant to give them up out of habit. The idea of admitting a style, behavior or mindset no longer suits you simply means its time to adopt something new. This process can be part of a healthy life phase transition. Shed that old skin. Molt.
6) Embrace uncertainty. Evolve to make changes that enable you to feel good about yourself. You will never be able to predict everything, but you can prepare yourself for the positive things awaiting you around the corner. To choose to explore interests indicates you're ready to grow.
7) Tap into your skills & talents. People rarely feel they use all their talents and skills. How well-acquainted are you with your own? What have you been postponing that you could offer as a gift to others? Learning to tap into underused or undiscovered talents can transform your life. This is also an opportunity to get-to-know yourself better. How you have evolved in your life until now?
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