Give it all up

Whenever you feel you struggle with relationships, you may forget struggle begins in your mind. If you focus on what other people don't have or experience, and you reflect back on what you have not yet had or experienced, this focuses your mind on a void. Would you believe you deserve what you're about to receive from life and the people you invite into your life?
Consider what would happen if you chose to give up the negative feelings and perceptions of people. How might this affect your relationships? If you have discovered you have dishonest friends, will they succeed in destroying your confidence in yourself and what is yet to be? If people you know have behaved treacherously toward you, this doesn't mean you need follow.
Perhaps it would be wise to detach yourself from results of relationship-building efforts. Other ways exist to feel connected. Resist from criticizing yourself for what you might've done but didn't. No person always does the wrong thing. No person is unable to change. No person should tell himself he'll get everything he deserves or wish an enemy should get his come- uppance. What is acceptable changes based on what you learn. Karma will recify what you give up. Redefine your real needs.
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