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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Ripple in a calm brook

Some people believe the most rewarding endeavours are those than enrich the lives of others.  Even if you never meet the people whose lives you change, it may make you feel successful to know you made a positive difference in other lives. What if you could identify those pursuits that provide you with large, personal fulfillment while you also offer something for the greater good? Connectedness to people shapes us throughout life.  You may underestimate your impact.

Consider your career, relationships, friends, even how you acknowledge stangers reveals how you value emotional investments.  Ask yourself how these gestures are returned or not.  Would this be the only way you would measure success, that you received back exactly what you gave out?  It may also be an experience to value other people by recognizing how they experience your compassion and goodwill. What do they get from your generosity? Is it a ripple in a calm brook?

Success is a sensation that can transform a sense of failure into satisfaction and abundance for people you help with time, financial assistance or other immeasurable resources.  Any superficial attempts to make acceptable choices would never compete with your inner passions.  Your heart and spirit are more than will power. As you share that, you can assist otehrs to redefine their potial and their own view of success. Empowering others is a meaningful form of success. 

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