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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Snow leopard without spots

Snow leopards are a dream-like species often found in central and south Asia. This endangered creature has grey-and-white fur, rosettes on the flanks and spots on its head and neck, similar to jaguars. Losing its spots would be symbolic of fear, discouragement or low confidence. What's curious is this predator is highly-adaptive and secretive about its abilities. Snow leopard often underestimate their potential and surprise themselves. They've jumped as far as 14 meters (46 feet).

People are a lot like snow leopards. Both learn through their own trials. After all, no creature is stupid. Life experience offers everyone opportunities to learn. We're all taught different things in our own time. What do you choose to see? If you put your best foot forward, you will not only show yourself what you're capable of achieving, but you will also encourage other people without really trying. Ideal moments for action begin in your head. Why not start?

If you're the type of person who is well-aquainted with your faults, recognize that each one has a strength that balances it. Rather than assume people around you have more opportunities and advantages than you, why not evolve to zero in on those qualities within yourself that you miss? Ask yourself what traits preoccupy you and consider whether it makes sense to work on them.

The snow lion's strength lies in its ability to focus accurately on its targets with skill and agility. He is flexible enough to seek out alternative paths to destinations and readily finds ways to his overcome obstacles. These animals are known to live solitary lives. Its precisely the time alone which enables learning resourcefulness, courage and self-sufficiency to facilitate their survival when the going gets tough.

Like this species, you can grow to identify what you can rely on in yourself. What are your stellar qualities? You have more assets than you realize. Being aware of what lies in your heart will fuel the determination to face unforeseen challenges.  Even if your battles last longer than expected, learn from the snow lion. Open your senses to things all around you. Its never possible to foresee everything. Learn to deal with what comes. Never permit yourself to feel discouraged.

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