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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Tune into your signs

You dream your life is evolving at a rigorous pace, in what you convince yourself to be all the right directions, but how often do you really listen to yourself and your behavior? Do you know what you really want? This isn't simply a question of knowing how you really feel about your choices and relationships. Its a question of discovering things you may not have known about yourself. When you’re ready to learn, the signs are all accessible for you to sort through:

1) Read your physiology. Consider your autonomic nervous system. Notice how you react spontaneously to ideas and thoughts of your life circumstances. When does your mouth water? Why would you perspire? What can differences in your heart rate tell you? In which conditions would you get goose bumps? Do you experience adrenalin rushes? What about energy boosts? Are you affected by sympathetic ("fight or flight") or parasympathetic ("rest and digest”) instincts?

2) Read into your emotions. Your body responds to the way you think, feel and act. This is your mind-body connection. Anytime you feel stress, anxiety or worry, your body reveals signs that something isn’t right. If your blood pressure rises, you know restless sleep or you develop stomach ulcers, stress about some aspect of your life may be the root cause. Strained emotional health may weaken your body's immune system, making you more susceptible to colds and other infections during hard times.  How you react to your life determines how well you handle things. 

3) Identify your instincts. Your body senses whether a particular choice or set of circumstances, contribute to your happiness. To feel as though you work toward something that motivates and inspires you is incentive to keep on your track. Yet, if your mind is filled with doubt, negative thoughts, and questions slowing down to understand more is desirable. Don’t continue action you feel isn't good for you.

4) Isolate what’s missing. At times, what you don’t notice or tell yourself is precisely what you should be noticing or saying about your life. If your self-confidence is lacking, it would be difficult to convince other people to support your ideas or convince them, things are great.  Are you persuaded where you are is a good thing? If you don’t hear your mind, body and soul encouraging yourself to continue as you have been, you should recognize the implications for change.

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