The Grander Experience

You may have dreamed up stories about how cabbies got into their "line of work." If you ask them, you would hear any number of stories, from an indecipherable grunt to friendly chatter, to why immigrant professionals moonlight as drivers as a way to support their families, especially when they're unable to obtain professional licenses they had had earned in their home countries.
Consider the story of the businessman who had flown to a state capital just to call on one client. Time was ticking. The man simply planned a fast turnaround trip from and back to the airport. A shiny cab pulled up. The driver rushed to open the passenger door and ensured the passenger was comfortably seated. As the driver entered the front, he drew the passenger's attention to the neatly folded Wall Street Journal. The driver also gave the passenger a choice among music, climate control and a beverage. The business traveler was noticably taken aback and assumed the taxi driver had a story. The passenger sensed this was no ordinary cab.
As it turned out, the driver had lived a partial career in Corporate America. He said, " I got tired of thinking my best would never be good enough, fast enough, or appreciated enough. I decided to find my niche where I could feel proud of being the best I could be. I knew I would never be a rocket scientist, but I love driving cars, being of service and feeling like I have done a full day's work and done it well."
The driver went on to explain that he took a hard look at himself, his talents and skills. This led him to consider becoming a professional taxi driver. He desired to surpass his passengers' expectations.
The professional taxi driver role appealed because the man was a people person with a high standard of treatment. He recognized clients value those who go further for them. He loved to get-to-know his way around the city and discover places in his own proverbial backyard he hadn't ever seen before. He was also so self-directed that he even dabbled a bit in match-making for his regular clients. The more he explored his business potential, the more he realized that being his own boss offered him freedoms he hadn't thought possible.
Did he receive tips? Definitely! The grander the experience seemed, the more fulfilled he became. His invited clients to call him by his first name, like family. Each person has the power to define a grander, more fulfilling experience. What will you choose for yourself from this moment?
Reader Comments (2)
Your posts are always informative but...
I always hate to do this but...
This one and a few others really need some grammar checking...