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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Shoot for the Moon

Many people will reflect back on their lives about chances they took and wonder why they did it.  They may not like how results have evolved. Perhaps you know someone who feels regret?  Risk-taking assumes you think a bit about the implications before you take action.

The reason you would assume an experience is risky was because some potential outcomes aren't desirable. Yet, possible appealing outcomes are strong enough to motivate you to take chances beyond your norm.  As you conetmplate taking risks, consider these preliminary questions to sink your heels in:

1) Where does your allegiance lie?  What you're willing to gain or lose is often linked to your priorities, those people or situations which enrich your life. How does it affect your choices?

2) How do you need to suffer?  Ever heard the line, "no pain, no gain?" Some people assume they must offer something in return for their eventual sense of success. What will you give of yourself? Will it be physical exertion, emotional stamina, or some other branch of who you are?

3) What needs would you forego?   Taking risks implies you feel ready on some level to embrace change.  This kind of attitude involves reviewing and redefining your basic needs and perceived needs above and beyond that.  As you change, your needs will evolve. To risk new kinds of desires, self-image and self-acceptance go hand-in-hand.  How do risks cause you to rethink who you are?

4) Why not shoot for the Moon?  If you sense its time to promote transition or really make big changes, its possible you'll sense it will motivate you to raise your own expectations.  You may be more likely to take a risk if you foresee a justifiable outcome on the horizon. Work towards it!

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